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Muammar Gaddafi drept i Nato-angrep!

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Jepp. Det er alltid en hvit(ere) fyr eller to med en del av disse gruppene. 'Al-Qaeda' er visst blitt demokratiske og nå, ifølge Vampen. Passer perfekt.

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Jepp. Det er alltid en hvit(ere) fyr eller to med en del av disse gruppene. 'Al-Qaeda' er visst blitt demokratiske og nå, ifølge Vampen. Passer perfekt.

Kan det tenkes at denne "hvitingen" også var tilstede da "den reformerte tempelridderorden" gjorde sitt første anslag i sommer?

Effektene, politisk, judisielt, og emosjonelt var hvertfall det samme som for et gjennomsnittlig "Al Qaida" angrep. Nøyaktig like mye hat ble skapt, like mye frykt, demonisering, assosiering av anderledes tenkende, og generelt sett tilspissede fronter.

Jeg kan vanskelig tenke meg noe bedre middel for "splitt og hersk" politikk.

Men hva vet vel jeg?.. Jeg er jo bare en gjennomsnittlig konspirasjonsteoretiker som aldri leser VG og Dagbladet. :fnise:

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Hysj da. At Breivik og hans venner, som rent tilfeldig ikke spiser egg og kjøtt fra samme kjøkken, skal redde Europa fra "innvandringen" har intet med dette å gjøre! ;)

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Hysj da. At Breivik og hans venner, som rent tilfeldig ikke spiser egg og kjøtt fra samme kjøkken, skal redde Europa fra "innvandringen" har intet med dette å gjøre! ;)

Puh.. Godt du satte meg påplass der. Ellers er det ikke godt å si hvor tankene mine ville vandret. ;)

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Heretter skal Sharia-lover legge grunnlaget for rettssystemet i Libya. Eksisterende lover som bryter med islam skal bli annullert.


Tragisk , og dessverre det jeg fryktet .

Er det dette de har dødd for ? Alle de kvinner og menn som ofret livet for å styrte Gadaffi ?

Spesielt kvinnene kan vel da bare si farvel til likestilling og menneskerettigheter .

Som sagt , tragisk , Han var altså falsk denne nye profeten (Jalil).

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En artikkel av Voltairenets Thierry Meyssan om mordet.

The Lynching of Muhammar Ghadaffi

The death of Muammar al-Gaddafi was hailed with an explosion of joy in all the government palaces of Western countries, but not by the Libyan people. For Thierry Meyssan, this militarily useless murder was perpetrated by the Empire not only as an example, but also to deconstruct Libya’s tribal society

On Thursday, 20 October 2011, at 13h30 GMT, the Libyan National Transitional Council announced the death of Muammar el-Qaddafi. Though confused, initial reports appeared to indicate that a convoy of cars seeking to leave besieged Sirte was blocked and partly destroyed by NATO fire. Survivors took shelter in drainage pipes. Wounded, Gaddafi was reportedly captured by the Tiger brigade of Misrata tribe and lynched.

The body of the "Guide" of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya was not preserved in his hometown of Sirte, or taken to Tripoli, but transported by the Misrata as a trophy to their namesake city.

The Misrata Tribe, which had long been reluctant to choose sides and is virtually absent from the CNT, will ultimately have penetrated Tripoli after its destruction by NATO, and will have lynched Muammar al-Gaddafi after the bombing of his convoy by NATO. It has even moved his body in his town to celebrate his triumph. In July, the "Guide" had cursed the Misrata, urging them to leave for Istanbul and Tel Aviv, alluding to the Turkish Jewish origins of the tribe which later converted to Islam.

A barrage of pre-scripted comments was instantly unleashed by the Atlanticist media to demonize Muammar el-Gaddafi, thereby obscuring the barbaric circumstances of his death.

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NATOs krigføring og bidrag til folkemordet i Libya er et av vår tids verste eksempler på Vestens overgrep. I en rettferdig verden ville de politisk ansvarlige bli stilt for domstolen i Haag for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten.


Ja, men vi lever ikke i en rettferdig verden. Husk, demokratiet er pskopatene, løgnerne og manipulatornes lekeplass.

Folk som Stoltenberg flyter alltid oppå.

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I Russland finnes det fremdeles spor av anstendighet og moral.

Der er interessant at man i dag må lese russiske media for å få vite sannheten. Vestlige media bringer bare propaganda.

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Hvor ble det av 'Vampen'? :ler:

Hun trengs ikke mer. Jobben er gjort og hun har nok for lengst mottatt sine 30 sølvpenger.

Men det spørs om ikke denne saken kan komme tilbake og spøke for endel på sikt.

Stadig mer informasjon lekker ut og ingenting av det er spesielt flatterende for psyko0patene i NATO og deres opportunistiske og lydige lakeier:

UN Report Offers Smoking Gun Proof of NATO & U.S. Lies

Here is a type of "smoking gun" proof that NATO and the U.S. has been operating through a smokescreen of lies, as well as intimidation. Please read the following January 4, 2011 report of the 16th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council, Universal Periodic Review:


Before NATO and the U.S. started bombing Libya, the United Nations was preparing to bestow an award on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and the Libyan Jamahiriya, for its achievements in the area of human rights. That's right--the same man, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, that NATO and the United States have been telling us for months is a "brutal dictator," was set to be given an award for his human rights record in Libya. How strange it is that the United Nations was set to bestow a human rights award on a "brutal dictator," at the end of March.

So, I ask a question. Who is this "brutal dictator" that the United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council was preparing to bestow an award to, for human rights, sometime at the end of March? So, they would have us believe that they knew that he was a "brutal dictator," yet decided to give him an award for human rights?! Astounding! Astounding the lies that we're being told by the media, NATO and the U.S. government. Absolutely astounding! Not surprising, but astounding! But more astounding still, is the fact that, time after time after time, much of the American public--without questioning--believes every single word that comes from the "news" media.

It is noteworthy to read the following couple of sentences from the General Assembly's report:

"Several delegations also noted with appreciation the country's commitment to upholding human rights on the ground. Additional statements, which could not be delivered during the interactive dialogue, owing to time constraints, will be posted on the extranet of the universal periodic review when available."

In a footnote of that report, there is a list of countries that praised Colonel Gaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya (state of the masses), in support of the General Assembly Human Rights Council's decision to bestow this award upon Colonel Gaddafi. I simply present the list. The reader can look at the list and make his or her own judgement regarding the credibility level, or perceived credibility level, of any of the particular countries listed:

Denmark, China, Italy, The Netherlands, Mauritania, Slovenia, Nicaragua, The Russian Federation, Spain, Indonesia, Sweden, Norway, Ecuador, Hungary, South Africa, The Phillippines, Maldives, Chile, Singapore, Germany, Australia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Angola, Nigeria, Congo, Burundi, Zambia, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Zimbabwe.

If you have been paying any attention to the news, you will note that a few of the above-listed countries suddenly made an about-face, and decided to start supporting NATO and the U.S. in their war of aggression. Why? Why else!? Money. That's always the bottom line, and there's no doubt that it will all be exposed, at some time in the future, just as was exposed the lies that the U.S. government told its citizens, and the world, about "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. And those same countries were just about to bestow an award on Colonel Gaddafi, for human rights, after having carefully studied Libyan society. So, what's this about the "brutal dictator?" It's what my big brother would call it: CHEWED UP GRASS [bullshit!! For the delicate amongst you, pardon my colorful language].

So, I'm wondering: Who do we believe? The news media, that's been telling us, for months, that Colonel Gaddafi is a "brutal dictator." Or do we believe this January 4th, 2011 report from the General Assembly of the United Nations? No way am I trying to "bless" the UN, which has its flaws (as we've all witnessed). But, I worked at the International Office of a university once, and I learned that the UN, despite its flaws, is capable of doing some very good work, though it is my opinion that a new international United Nations should be formed, with headquarters in Libya.

Again: This award was set to be given to Colonel Gaddafi at the end of March. Next thing you know, Libya got bombed.

So, if you hear that your country will soon be given an award by the United Nations, for human rights, LOOK THE HELL OUT! Because you're about to be BOMBED!


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