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Sunset Beach! Mimring om den legendariske serien!


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2 timer siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Å, for en fantastisk tråd!! Mere! Jeg husker da de var fanget på øya, ble faktisk litt skremt😆 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

Ja! Da Mark Wolper ble drept, rev av Terror-masken fra «Ben» rett før, og fortalte til Tim Truman rett før han døde at «it was... Ben!», hvor ingen trodde på Tim, de trodde det bare var noe han sa fordi han mislike Ben og ville ha Meg tilbake. Det var jo den Onde tvillingbroren Derek, da, men likevel.. Terror Island!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Fortsetter under...

42 minutter siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Ja! Da Mark Wolper ble drept, rev av Terror-masken fra «Ben» rett før, og fortalte til Tim Truman rett før han døde at «it was... Ben!», hvor ingen trodde på Tim, de trodde det bare var noe han sa fordi han mislike Ben og ville ha Meg tilbake. Det var jo den Onde tvillingbroren Derek, da, men likevel.. Terror Island!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

Du har noen fantastisk utfyllende svar, ler høyt her😁 Kan vi bli venner? 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

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2 timer siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Du har noen fantastisk utfyllende svar, ler høyt her😁 Kan vi bli venner? 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

Jeg har sett alle episodene flere ganger, skrevet mange fan fiction-historier om Sunset Beach, kanskje jeg skal dele her?

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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2 timer siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Du har noen fantastisk utfyllende svar, ler høyt her😁 Kan vi bli venner? 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

Klart vi kan bli venner!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Sean Richards var altså spilt av Randy Spelling, produsenten Aron Spellings sønn, som var helt middelmådig av utseende, mens stort sett alle andre i serien var pene og vakre mennesker. Sean var sammen med Bettes datter Emily, smellvakker, og Amy, en annen ung blond jente, ville bli sammen med Sean og forsøkte å konspirere. En liten fan fiction om dette «ulogiske» trekantdramaet (hvorfor skulle to pene unge piker være interessert i en slik dustete, ikke-kjekk fyr?) som jeg skrev for 13 år siden på et engelskspråklig forum. Jeg er ikke spesielt god i engelsk, bare så det er sagt:

Part 1:

Sean ran into Emily at the Java Web. "So, what's up? Want to go out, see a movie later?", Sean asked.
"Ehhh. I don't think so", Emily answered. "What?? How come that?", Sean asked. He did not understand anything - as usual.
"Well, Sean, you're a nice guy and all, but..."

"But what? We've been going out for some time already! What has changed! You know I like you!"

"Yes, and I am flattered, at least somewhat, but you see - a little while ago I had an appointment with my doctor, Tuys "surgeon/medicine king/birth doctor/eye doctor/specialist on every rare disease the world has ever seen" Robinson, and he found out that I really am a little bit nearsighted!"

"Well.. I sympathize, but I don't see what that has got to do with anything about us!? So are you getting glasses now, is that it? Are you afraid that I will not like you anymore if you are going to be wearing glasses? Come on.. I am not going to care! At least I don't think so, I mean - I won't! I swear!"

"Oh, I believe you Sean, but that is not the thing, I am afraid. I am not even going to start wearing glasses. You see, this morning I finally got the contact lenses dr. Robinson provided for me! I tried them on immediately, and it is just like a whole new world has been created in front of my eyes! Everything is so clear. It's fantastic! I never realized that my eyesight was that bad before."

"That's so wonderful! But I am still wondering why you will not go out with me tonight! What have I done? I don't understand anything!"

"Oh, Sean, don't you see. Now that I can see everything so much clearer.. You see, now I realize that you're just not... really that attractive. So I'm afraid there is no way I can go out with you, you're just too.. eh.. well, you know what I mean. But we can still be friends!"

Part 2:

Emily bumped into Amy as she was leaving the Java Web, just after having broken up her relationship with Sean.  
"Hello, Amy! What, won't you even say hello?", Emily asked.
"Oh come on, Emily. You and me - we are not best friends or anything, you know that. But don't worry, I am going to leave you and Sean alone. Although it still hurts that he prefers you over me."
"Hm... Amy, I understand, but I have to say that I am wondering why you are so obsessed with Sean in the first place."
"What are you talking about? You are the one dating him, remember!"
"I have never been obsessed with him the way you have. Anyway, it would really be interesting to hear about what it is that makes Sean so great in your eyes!"
"Okay, then. Well, for starters - he is smart..."
"WHAT?? He is not smart - he is a high school dropout!! Doesn't even have a real job!”
"Uh, well.. But he is rich!"
"WHAT?? Sean has no money himself, and his rich father has cut him off!"
"Hm... okay, but he is so sweet and sexy!"
"WHAT?? Are you joking? Maybe a little sweet but certainly not in a sexy way! His looks are well below average at best!"
"Hm...maybe.. But he is so funny, and I like that in a man!"
"WHAT?? He is funny-LOOKING, but not funny! No! Not in any way!"
"Oh, uh, no I really don't know. I get your point, Emily - it is all a little weird. But what is it that you see in him, then? Why are we fighting for him in the first place?"
"Well, first of all I should tell you that after finally having realized all this, I decided to break up with him. Just did."
"What? Really? I gotta go talk to him!"

Meanwhile, Sean was cleaning tables inside at the Java Web. He was still in shock. He was staring into one of the windows. He studied the reflection of himself. “I really like my hair, so that cannot be the problem”, he thought.
Brad passed by. “Haha, what a ridiculous haircut you have, Richards!", he said.  
Sean did not respond. He saw Emily talking to Amy outside, knowing that Emily probably told Amy about the break-up.
"Amy is not Emily, but she's really not that bad", he thought. "Maybe I'll ask her out tonight instead? I know she is crazy about me."
Outside, Emily and Amy were still discussing Sean.
"I don't get it", Amy said. "What is it that really has been going on?"
"All I can think of, is that The Powers That Be - or should I say The Powers That Were now has left Sunset Beach, and that everyone finally is able to do and say things that make sense. What else could it be? Two hotties like us fighting for Sean?? It is just too silly!"
Emily left and Amy went inside. Sean went towards her.
"Hi, Amy - look, I was wondering if you would go see a movie with me tonight or something?"
Amy laughed.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Part 3: med litt andre karakterer også:

Sean and Caitlin were talking at The Deep.
Sean: “Hi, Caitlin! So nice to see you here – when’s the last time you were around?”
Caitlin: “Hello, little brother! How’s the going? What’s happening in your love life these days?”
Sean: “Well, you know me. Getting around.”
Caitlin: “Heard you and Emily broke up.”
Sean: “Yeah. So I’m currently swinging.”
Caitlin: “Oh, my little brother – the stud. Swinging… With whom?”
Sean: “Well, you know. Just sleeping around.”
Caitlin: “Hah, I bet you haven’t slept with anybody your entire life!”
Sean: “I have so!”
Caitlin: “You have not!”
Sean: “I have so!”

Emily was also at The Deep that night. Caitlin shouted at her:
Caitlin: “Hey, Emily - did you ever sleep with Sean?”
Emily: “Eh, no. I am all for charity and everything, but even though I would say I am a nice person, I have some limits.”
Caitlin: “Haha, Sean you are a virgin!”
Sean: “Oh you.. Just… Shut up!!”
Caitlin: “Virginvirginvirginvirgin!!!!”
Sean: “That’s enough!! By the way - tell me Caitlin, how many friends do you have?”
Caitlin: “What are you talking about? I got tons of friends!”
Sean: “Oh yeah? Name one! The last couple of years I haven’t seen you talking to anyone except Cole, other family members or people close to someone in the family. And none of them are anything close to a friend of yours. It’s just not that you have no friends – you almost don’t know anyone at all! How pathetic you are!”
Caitlin: “That’s not true.. I have many friends.. I know a lot of people..”

Ben was in his office that night, and Meg was stopping by to have a chat with him. She went past the Richards-kids:
Sean: “Hey, Meg!”
Meg: “Hello, Sean – what is going on?”
Sean: “Meg, I was just wondering about something. I remember seeing you and Caitlin together a couple of years ago, when you were working here. But I haven’t seen you two talking to each other for years! How come that?”
Meg: “Yes, that’s true – when I first came to Sunset Beach I considered Caitlin to be one of my friends. I was even there when she first met Cole. But then our paths simply didn’t cross anymore. Why? I have no reasonable explanation. I was not even invited to her wedding, and she did not come to mine. A little strange, all this! We never had a fight or anything.”
Sean: “But you have lots of other friends, right?”
Meg: “Yeah, sure! More than I can count! But Caitlin.. Hm, maybe she is just not the kind of person that has friends? I don’t know.”
Sean: “Haha, I knew it. You have no friends, Caitlin. And you are insinuating that I am a loser? Right back at ya!”
Brad was also around, and he was eavesdropping:
Brad: “Allow me to summarize the situation: You are both pathetic losers!”

Sean noticed that Brad in fact was going out with Emily. Sean didn’t like it – not one bit. He lost control. He tried to hit Brad, but Brad managed to dive just in time, so that Sean hit Meg instead, because she was standing right behind Brad. Meg was not prepared for the hit, and she fell hard backwards into a sharp corner of the bar, damaging the back of her head badly.
Everyone silenced. Ben came out of his office. “What the h… is going on?”, he said - yes, with his arms up against his waists and his head a little tipped over to one side as always. Meg ended up in a coma, and after a couple of months Ben and Maria hooked up again and lived happily ever after.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Den siste delen spilte på dette merkelige med Caitlin, som etter hvert hadde en særdeles begrenset omgangskrets.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Denne serien så jeg fra start til slutt i min ungdomskoletid! 🤩 

Noe av det jeg husker best, er da Annie gjemte seg i en kiste og trodde hun skulle bli smuglet med på et fly, og så ble hun nesten kremert i stedet! 🙈 Ben og alle andre trodde hun var død. Men så viste det seg at hun hadde unnsluppet krematoriet og fortsatt levde! 

Også da Olivia fødte babyen som var enten Gregory eller Coles, og Annie var fødselshjelper og deretter stjal babyen og ga den til Caitlyn, som hadde faket sin egen graviditet. Snakk om sykt plott! 

Endret av Mollie
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Som kjent kom det etter hvert fram at Sean Richards drev med rapping. Her noen av mine forslag til tekster for ham:

Rap 1:

Sean was not that popular anymore
His life was not like this before
There was nothing left for him to explore
He knew Emily's love for him was long gone and impossible to restore
The only one he could get to sleep with was this w*hore
Sean told her she was someone he could adore
And that she was not just someone he with only wanted to score

But then she said "I want my money, if else it's war!"
He then said "Money? Is that all you care for?"
Then she pushed Sean so he fell and hit his head on the floor
In pain he uttered quite a roar
She threw him out, and then she shut the door
And for the rest of his life, every woman in Sunset Beach would him ignore

Rap 2:

" *sigh* I have no sex appeal
You don't know what that makes me feel
It's all a done deal
These wounds will never heal
How did I become so far from being ideal?
There doesn't seem to be any woman whose heart I could steal
Look at my great hair - I don't deserve this, this is all surreal
*sigh* I cannot believe that this is for real!
Now I'm going home all alone as usual to have a meal
I hope that in the future something nice for me will reveal
But I guess it won't happen - no matter how much I pray and kneel "

Rap 3:

It would be nice to be a big rap star like Eminem, I bet
Then I would probably be driving around in a nice corvette
I've loved music since I in school learned to play the cornet
But all I have ever gotten recorded is this rap stuff on to an old cassette

I said no to my father's money, and now I'm in serious debt
And while he is flying around in his private jet
I cannot even afford a cigarette

"Hey, Sean, how about you and me together in a duet?"
Emily, you suck, so that's one thing you should forget
Hell, I now wish that you and I had never met
Because then I would not have been this upset
I think of you and cry inside every time I see a brunette

"Hey Sean! I thought I told you to take Spike to the vet!"
Mom, I'm sorry I won't - he's not my pet
"Alright, I'll have Rose do it - no sweat"

Now I'm so sad - I've become to myself a threat
My life is fading away, I am of my old self just a silhouette
There are so many things I do regret
I think about jumping from the pier and end it - but I'll probably just wind up wet
I no longer have anything to aim for, nothing I wanna get
I'm still so young, I don't wanna give up - not yet

"Maybe you should join the Air Force - become a cadet?"
Yeah! I'm leaving tomorrow, now my future is finally set!

Rap 4:

My father, he's this rich millionaire
I told him I didn't need him - he made my sister his sole heir
And he has forbidden my sister with me the money to share
I can't even afford new shoes, all I have is this old pair
I need money, but to crawl back to my father - I wouldn't dare
He would just throw me out anyway - of that I'm aware

I want so badly with someone to have an affair
But I can't find any woman that for me would care
Damn it - all this is just so unfair
I'm having trouble breathing - I don't like this town's air

At night I am no longer saying my prayer
It doesn't help anyway - God's just not there
I don't know how I my life could repair
I'm too sad to even drop a single tear
All this misery is more than anyone could bear

I deserve better, just look at my great hair
While others are happy, I'm in despair
I wanna harm someone, and I don't mean just to scare
A war on Sunset Beach I hereby declare!
This whole town will suffer, I have a plan to prepare
Nobody from my terror I will spare
I will get my revenge, ladies and gentlemen - beware!"

Rap 5:

I recently got hooked on crack
-Just lost my apartment, gotta go pack
-Can't afford the dentist, my teeths are full of plaque
-Hey, Emily, you've got a nice rack!
Emily then went in for the attack
"Shut up, Sean, or I'll give your ugly face a smack!"
"Go to hell and please never come back!"
Sean thought -Just wait, Emily, you're one of the ones I'll whack

Sean's revenge had only just begun
He had killed Brad - that was the first one
Now he was facing his father - in his hand he held a gun
Gregory was in shock - was he to be murdered by his son?
Sean thought that he had never before had this fun
"You're going down, dad - I'm sorry, but you're done"
He then pulled the trigger, felt he finally had won
The cops then came, would Sean be able to them outrun?
No, and he ended up in a place where he would never again see the sun

Rap 6:

All I ever wanted to be was a star
Too bad I can't even play the guitar
But as a rapper, I thought I could make it far
But here I am, just driving around in this clunky old car
I just had a couple too many drinks in the bar
My soul suffers from a non-healing scar

I went auditioning for American Idol - they told me I stunk
Laughed at my looks, said I was no hunk
Said they'd never before seen such a talentless punk
I think I'd like to become even more drunk
Let's pull over and see if there's some beer in the trunk
Hell - it's impossible to steer this piece of junk!
Off the road and into the ocean.. I'm sunk!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Den siste i forrige innlegg kan omskrives med de samme rimene til et dikt fra Olivia Richards sin synsvinkel, om hennes falmende forhold til Gregory samt sin alkoholisme:

Gregory used to sit before me and sing and play the guitar
Those days are gone, he no longer makes me feel like a star
Oh yes, he's given me stuff, like this beautiful car
But to also want his love - would that be to go too far?
My children has left me nothing else but a huge stomach scar
And scarred inside I am as well, after all those hours at the bar

Gregory was and still is quite a hunk
But if he doesn't love me, I feel like I'm sunk
All the stuff he's given me feels like junk
I'm having affairs, tonight I'll probably meet another punk
Makes no difference because I'm always drunk
When Gregory came home today he made a grimace and told me I stunk
I've had enough - it's time to use the gun I've hidden in my car in the trunk..

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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18 minutter siden, Mollie skrev:

 Også da Olivia fødte babyen som var enten Gregory eller Coles, og Annie var fødselshjelper og deretter stjal babyen og ga den til Caitlyn, som hadde faket sin egen graviditet. Snakk om sykt plott! 

Legendarisk! Var Cole som var faren. Caitlin var jo gravid, men spontanaborterte og faket med diverse jukseputer. Og Cole merket ingenting, den dusten! Men han var jo faren til svigermoras baby uansett, da.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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11 minutter siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Legendarisk! Var Cole som var faren. Caitlin var jo gravid, men spontanaborterte og faket med diverse jukseputer. Og Cole merket ingenting, den dusten! Men han var jo faren til svigermoras baby uansett, da.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

Ja husker de putene Caitlyn hadde på magen. Og så merket han det liksom ikke...🙄 

Og Olivia trodde at hennes baby hadde dødd under fødselen tror jeg. 

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1 time siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Som kjent kom det etter hvert fram at Sean Richards drev med rapping. Her noen av mine forslag til tekster for ham:

Rap 1:

Sean was not that popular anymore
His life was not like this before
There was nothing left for him to explore
He knew Emily's love for him was long gone and impossible to restore
The only one he could get to sleep with was this w*hore
Sean told her she was someone he could adore
And that she was not just someone he with only wanted to score

But then she said "I want my money, if else it's war!"
He then said "Money? Is that all you care for?"
Then she pushed Sean so he fell and hit his head on the floor
In pain he uttered quite a roar
She threw him out, and then she shut the door
And for the rest of his life, every woman in Sunset Beach would him ignore

Rap 2:

" *sigh* I have no sex appeal
You don't know what that makes me feel
It's all a done deal
These wounds will never heal
How did I become so far from being ideal?
There doesn't seem to be any woman whose heart I could steal
Look at my great hair - I don't deserve this, this is all surreal
*sigh* I cannot believe that this is for real!
Now I'm going home all alone as usual to have a meal
I hope that in the future something nice for me will reveal
But I guess it won't happen - no matter how much I pray and kneel "

Rap 3:

It would be nice to be a big rap star like Eminem, I bet
Then I would probably be driving around in a nice corvette
I've loved music since I in school learned to play the cornet
But all I have ever gotten recorded is this rap stuff on to an old cassette

I said no to my father's money, and now I'm in serious debt
And while he is flying around in his private jet
I cannot even afford a cigarette

"Hey, Sean, how about you and me together in a duet?"
Emily, you suck, so that's one thing you should forget
Hell, I now wish that you and I had never met
Because then I would not have been this upset
I think of you and cry inside every time I see a brunette

"Hey Sean! I thought I told you to take Spike to the vet!"
Mom, I'm sorry I won't - he's not my pet
"Alright, I'll have Rose do it - no sweat"

Now I'm so sad - I've become to myself a threat
My life is fading away, I am of my old self just a silhouette
There are so many things I do regret
I think about jumping from the pier and end it - but I'll probably just wind up wet
I no longer have anything to aim for, nothing I wanna get
I'm still so young, I don't wanna give up - not yet

"Maybe you should join the Air Force - become a cadet?"
Yeah! I'm leaving tomorrow, now my future is finally set!

Rap 4:

My father, he's this rich millionaire
I told him I didn't need him - he made my sister his sole heir
And he has forbidden my sister with me the money to share
I can't even afford new shoes, all I have is this old pair
I need money, but to crawl back to my father - I wouldn't dare
He would just throw me out anyway - of that I'm aware

I want so badly with someone to have an affair
But I can't find any woman that for me would care
Damn it - all this is just so unfair
I'm having trouble breathing - I don't like this town's air

At night I am no longer saying my prayer
It doesn't help anyway - God's just not there
I don't know how I my life could repair
I'm too sad to even drop a single tear
All this misery is more than anyone could bear

I deserve better, just look at my great hair
While others are happy, I'm in despair
I wanna harm someone, and I don't mean just to scare
A war on Sunset Beach I hereby declare!
This whole town will suffer, I have a plan to prepare
Nobody from my terror I will spare
I will get my revenge, ladies and gentlemen - beware!"

Rap 5:

I recently got hooked on crack
-Just lost my apartment, gotta go pack
-Can't afford the dentist, my teeths are full of plaque
-Hey, Emily, you've got a nice rack!
Emily then went in for the attack
"Shut up, Sean, or I'll give your ugly face a smack!"
"Go to hell and please never come back!"
Sean thought -Just wait, Emily, you're one of the ones I'll whack

Sean's revenge had only just begun
He had killed Brad - that was the first one
Now he was facing his father - in his hand he held a gun
Gregory was in shock - was he to be murdered by his son?
Sean thought that he had never before had this fun
"You're going down, dad - I'm sorry, but you're done"
He then pulled the trigger, felt he finally had won
The cops then came, would Sean be able to them outrun?
No, and he ended up in a place where he would never again see the sun

Rap 6:

All I ever wanted to be was a star
Too bad I can't even play the guitar
But as a rapper, I thought I could make it far
But here I am, just driving around in this clunky old car
I just had a couple too many drinks in the bar
My soul suffers from a non-healing scar

I went auditioning for American Idol - they told me I stunk
Laughed at my looks, said I was no hunk
Said they'd never before seen such a talentless punk
I think I'd like to become even more drunk
Let's pull over and see if there's some beer in the trunk
Hell - it's impossible to steer this piece of junk!
Off the road and into the ocean.. I'm sunk!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

Kveles🤣 du er min nye heltinne 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

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13 minutter siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Kveles🤣 du er min nye heltinne 

Anonymkode: b3096...181

Så hyggelig! Jeg har mye, mye mer..!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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7 minutter siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Så hyggelig! Jeg har mye, mye mer..!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

Bring it🤓

Anonymkode: b3096...181

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1 minutt siden, AnonymBruker skrev:

Bring it🤓

Anonymkode: b3096...181

Skal, når jeg får tid :)

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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[1] Category widget

Neste fanfic handler om A.J., Armando Deschanel jr. Som var litt av en legende. Faren til Cole, som han fikk med Elaine, som drev kafeen the waffle shop i første sesong. Men alle kvinnene var sykt forelsket i A.J. før han ble «jaget» ut av byen av Gregory Richards før Cole ble født. Olivia og Bette digget ham også. Ja, han ble fremstilt som litt av en utenomjordisk superkjekkas, og flotte/kjekke Cole hadde utseendet etter ham. Men hva skjedde så, etter halvannen sesong eller så? Jo, A.J. dukket opp. I skuespiller Gordon Thomsons skikkelse. Dessverre forferdelig dårlig cast, fullstendig ukarismatisk, passet ikke overhode. Og det er dette denne fanfictionen spiller på, som jeg skrev høsten 2007:

Part 1:

AJ received a phone call. It was a man. "Cole really is a perfect match, like you suspected", he said and hung up. AJ smiled, in an angry way. "I knew it!", he said.

Chapter 1:
Half a year later, Cole was talking to his mother in San Diego over the phone.  
Elaine: "You know, Cole, I think I'm going to travel to Sunset Beach next week! Haven't been there for years now. I have to go back, see what it's like. I want to spend some time with Trey. And I haven't seen AJ in about 25 years. Can't wait to see him again! Oh, he's just like you, Cole. He was just like you when he was your age. Wonder what he's like these days."

Cole: "Eh.. I don't really see any resemblance between AJ and me. Neither in looks nor personality. Are you sure there wasn't anyone else... you know... around the time I was conceived?"

Elaine: "Oh, Cole stop it. There was not anyone else for me back then. Oh, AJ was SO great! What a man.. Every woman in Sunset Beach was in love with him. You look JUST like AJ did! JUST like him! He is your father alright."

Cole: "Okay, if you say so, but in that case he surely has changed a lot since then. I just don't see what women could have seen in him. He is just plain dull in my opinion, to be honest. And by the way - did I tell you that he is now involved in a relationship with Bette?"

Elaine: "WHAT?? AJ and Bette?? No way! It just doesn't fit! I can't believe it!"

Cole: "Well, it's true. Look, I thought I should bring everyone together, me, Caitlin, Olivia, AJ, Bette and you for a little dinner party at Grenadine's when you're first here. What do you say?"

Elaine: "Oh, I would love it!"

Later that day, Bette and AJ were having dinner at Grenadine's when Cole stopped by to make reservations for the upcoming dinner party.
AJ: "Aah, Cole! Please, join us for dinner!"

Cole: "No, Caitlin and I are going to eat at home in just half an hour. But by the way, I should tell you that my mother is coming to Sunset Beach in a couple of days! The reason why I'm here is that I was planning a little dinner party for my mother here at Grenadine's. I demand that you two will be there!"

Bette: "What? Elaine? Now that would be interesting. Of course we will join you! What's the matter AJ? You look a little shocked? Nervous about meeting Elaine again after all these years? Or maybe I am the one who should be nervous.. ?"

AJ: "You wouldn't have anything to worry about, Bette. Yes, it's like you first said - I guess I am a bit nervous about meeting her again, that's all."
AJ really was nervous about this. He did not like it. But why?

Elaine showed up a few days later, and after having spent some time with her son and his family, it was finally time for the dinner party. Elaine arrived early.
Elaine: "Oh - hi, Bette!"

Bette: "Elaine!! It's so nice to see you, it's been so long!"

Elaine: "Yes it has. Nice to see you, too. And what's happened since I left? You and AJ are a couple now?"

Bette: "That's right! AJ is not here yet by the way. Well, Elaine - 
I hope you're not coming here to try to take AJ away from me - he is mine now!"
AJ arrived.

Bette: "Oh, here you are AJ. Elaine. AJ. I presume you have met before? Haha. AJ, I was just talking about how I fear that Elaine is going to steal you away for me, hehe!"
Elaine was staring at AJ. AJ looked back. Before they could even shake hands, Elaine shouted:
Elaine: "Oh, don't you worry, Bette. You just keep him!"

Bette: "What... ?"

Elaine: "Bette, this is not AJ! No way! I have never seen this man before in my entire life!"

Fortsettelse følger!

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Dette med «a perfect match» var noe som faktisk skjedde i serien, A.J. fikk tatt en sample av Coles hår, men husker ikke hvor den storylinen gikk.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Og en annen viktig opplysning er at Elaine (og datteren Paula) forlot Sunset Beach og dro til San Diego før A.J. kom tilbake til Sunset Beach.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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Og til sist: I slutten av serien endte A.J. opp sammen med Bette! Noe som var helt urealistisk da Bette var vesentlig mindre attraktiv, sammenlignet med Elaine og Olivia. 

Men i denne historien blir alt forklart, slik at alt henger sammen.

Anonymkode: 57a61...dcc

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