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De tar 33 kroner minuttet og tjener gode penger på å si det den som ringer vil høre. Jeg tror de aller, aller færreste er seriøse - om i det hele tatt noen er det.

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Noen er seriøse, mens andre gjør det bare for å tjene penger. Hvem som er seriøs og ikke må du prøve å finne ut av, med å spørre andre om hva de mener om akkurat den personen du kunne tenkt deg å snakke med.

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Noen er seriøse, mens andre gjør det bare for å tjene penger. Hvem som er seriøs og ikke må du prøve å finne ut av, med å spørre andre om hva de mener om akkurat den personen du kunne tenkt deg å snakke med.

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Jeg ville ikke tatt noen spåkoner for god fisk. Stort sett bløffmakere, selv om det kan virke som de tror på det selv. Hvis de virkelig vil hjelpe så hadde de ikke hatt en timepris på nesten 2000 kr.

Personlig så kjenner jeg ei som er på eksperthjelp, hun er uføretrygdet og overhodet ikke synsk, ganske god menneskekjenner riktignok. Hun bare syns det er lettjente ekstrapenger.

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For en liten sum av 100kr mnd, med 24 mnd binding. Så stiller jeg meg disponibel til å rådgive deg.

Etter 24 mnd stiger prisen til 500 kr mnd.


Men ærlig talt, vær litt realistisk og innse at "spåkoner" osv er bare humbug!

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Men jeg tenker på sånne som sitter på eksperthjelp.no osv...

Det er ikke uten grunn de er kategorisert som "underholdningstjeneste".

Jeg vil ikke kategorisk avvise at det finnes folk som faktisk "kan spå" et eller annet sted, men majoriteten av dem som hevder de kan overvurderer seg selv noe fenomenalt, og i tillegg har du alle de rene lurendreierne. Du gjør en like god (av og til bedre) jobb selv med en terning.

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Gjest Tidssone

For en liten sum av 100kr mnd, med 24 mnd binding. Så stiller jeg meg disponibel til å rådgive deg.

Etter 24 mnd stiger prisen til 500 kr mnd.

Håhåhåh. Jaj være myyyyyye billig enn daj!

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Trenger veldig råd...


Jeg legger litt kort på eftan bare for hobby skyld, og tenkte jeg skulle prøve å legge noen kort til deg. Håper det er greit.

Men, jeg vil bare si at når du trenger råd så er det mange som kan gi dem til deg, men synske mennesker bør ikke være løsning nr 1. Gå til din lege, snakk ut, få hjelp fra en som klarer å få deg opp av mørket. En klarsynt er ikke en psykolog og man bør ikke snakke med en klarsynt om man har store personlige problemer.

kortene og betydningene :

Judgement ® - You are feeling uneasy, lonely - longing to be free of certain situations but you can not see the way out. Acknowledge when you are tired - when you are feeling low and would like to know which way to go. Make it known that you wish to answer the call but you do not know what to do. Stop fearing the unknown - review your life and make new plans for the future. Release yourself - do not allow your fears to keep you locked into this situation. Never allow regrets and remorse to build. Direct the course of your life by examining and altering any self- destructive behavioral patterns. Break away from old, limiting habitual patterns. Plant new seeds in your sub-conscious - be willing to try new ideas, a new job or even consider moving far away and starting over again. If loneliness is affecting your judgment - go deep within and find help. Your objections are only "excuses" which have become dominant in your life. Your life has changed - only your choice remains.

The realization of your True Self will liberate you from all these self imposed restrictions. It is wonderful to know that there is a place inside of us where we can be joyful and free no matter what is going on in the external world. Discover that you will never really die - that death is only change and you will have overcome the last great illusion. Recognize that you are a Being - not a body, free to live forever in a boundless universe. Discover the guarantee of immortality and delight in the joy and happiness. You can be optimistic about the seeds you plant within yourself - given half a chance, they will grow in quite miraculous ways. The things you need will come to you in magical ways as you learn to rule your life and not be ruled by it. The divine spirit within you will provide support, guidance and everything you need for your life's voyage - giving you the appetite to enjoy the journey. There are two stages in the work of the Self - the first stage ends once you are liberated - the second stage begins as you turn your focus on your expression and carrying out your creative purpose in life.

It is not uncommon to find this card inverted, for this is a very difficult step in your evolution of consciousness. There may be a serious flaw, clearing has not been achieved. Guilt, which is part of not forgiving self, can be the result of assuming more responsibility than is one's lot. This is seen as an aspect of the sin of pride - for it is presumptuous of us to assume too much responsibility. In so doing, we presume to be God. Amorality - lack of remorse. Inability to forgive others or self.

Questions to Answer: What "call" have you heard? Who or what is being criticized? What judgment is being made? What new realization is transforming you? Who or what are you merging with? What or whom are you responsible for?

Six of Swords ® - You are experiencing information overload. Clear your mind and put your thoughts in order. In a situation where there has been mental or physical abuse - you need distance and support so that you can gain a new perspective. With distance it is possible to rise above the situation so that you can see the larger pattern, determine some meaning behind it and what actions are necessary. There are times when it is proper to leave others behind, in order to break through relationship patterns that obsess and bind you.

When you feel locked into a difficult set of circumstances - nothing can be accomplished - center yourself and wait. Difficult though your life may be - it will change. Go deep within yourself and seek spiritual guidance. Think carefully now and ask yourself if you have considered everything. Communicate any new ideas or decisions in such an objective way that they can be received and heard. Focus your mind and allow yourself to see the whole picture.

When your balance and peace are disturbed - your passage is no longer serene - your emotions are stirred up and your physical or spiritual journey becomes stormy. Trying to "attack" a long standing problem - especially one that has been accepted by others - only agitates the situation. Unsatisfying or oppressive situations can go quietly along for years until someone decides to do something about it. Trying to remove the swords from the boat will sink it - they are plugging up the holes. When "swords" symbolize unhappy memories where "silence" has become the defense, communication will be painful - but it will also begin the healing process.

Distortions - either too much or too little. Mental retreat. Procrastination. Deterrence from projects at hand. Interference of emotions in mental work. Defensive, neurotic mind.

Questions to Answer: What immediate problems are you attempting to solve? Where will you go to solve them? Where in your life right now is mental clarity important? How are you liberating your mind from clutter and false ideas so that you can think clearly? When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective, what do you see?

Six of Swords ® - You are experiencing information overload. Clear your mind and put your thoughts in order. In a situation where there has been mental or physical abuse - you need distance and support so that you can gain a new perspective. With distance it is possible to rise above the situation so that you can see the larger pattern, determine some meaning behind it and what actions are necessary. There are times when it is proper to leave others behind, in order to break through relationship patterns that obsess and bind you.

When you feel locked into a difficult set of circumstances - nothing can be accomplished - center yourself and wait. Difficult though your life may be - it will change. Go deep within yourself and seek spiritual guidance. Think carefully now and ask yourself if you have considered everything. Communicate any new ideas or decisions in such an objective way that they can be received and heard. Focus your mind and allow yourself to see the whole picture.

When your balance and peace are disturbed - your passage is no longer serene - your emotions are stirred up and your physical or spiritual journey becomes stormy. Trying to "attack" a long standing problem - especially one that has been accepted by others - only agitates the situation. Unsatisfying or oppressive situations can go quietly along for years until someone decides to do something about it. Trying to remove the swords from the boat will sink it - they are plugging up the holes. When "swords" symbolize unhappy memories where "silence" has become the defense, communication will be painful - but it will also begin the healing process.

Distortions - either too much or too little. Mental retreat. Procrastination. Deterrence from projects at hand. Interference of emotions in mental work. Defensive, neurotic mind.

Questions to Answer: What immediate problems are you attempting to solve? Where will you go to solve them? Where in your life right now is mental clarity important? How are you liberating your mind from clutter and false ideas so that you can think clearly? When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective, what do you see?


Queen of Pentacles ® - It is time that you recognize and accept your need for stable, nurturing relationships in your life. Begin to release the people in your life who find it difficult to trust anyone. The fear of failing can make a person quite changeable. Soon they develop a suspicious nature and lack any motivation - which causes them to be lazy and neglect their responsibilities. This results in nervousness and confusion - they become afraid, mistrustful of others and even begin to doubt their abilities and their value as a person.

Trust yourself - focus all your energy on utilizing your abilities to manifest beauty, health and fulfillment in specific, practical ways in the areas of your life where it is needed and necessary. Focus on your meditation, on grounding your emotions in natural things, ordinary pleasures and satisfying work.

Irresponsible vs doting. Disregard for nature vs extreme interest in and identity with environmental factors. Abuse of material items. Bad money manager. Recurrent health problems versus the health fanatic.

Questions to Answer: How are you channeling your physical resources? Who inspires your need for practical skills and nurtures your desire for knowledge? Who is reliable and trustworthy? How are you grounded in Mother Earth?

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Det jeg tenker om det, helt ærlig:

I beste fall overtroiske folk som rett og slett har fått seg selv til å tro på det. Naivt og tendenser til å være farlig.

I verste fall kynisk spill på at folk tror på det du sier, uavhengig av bevis eller mangel på sådan. Får håper folk ikke ruinerer seg på det.

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Men er det noen som har erfaring med det?


For ca 8 uker siden ringte jeg to spådamer på samme dag(et veddemål med en venninne), hvor jeg spurte om eventuell endring i jobbsituasjon.

Jeg valgte dette spørsmålet, fordi det er konkret, og det vil være lett å avgjøre om spådamen hadde rett eller ikke.

Den samtalen gikk omtrent slik:

- Jobber du nå?

- Tja, jeg går i alle fall på jobb hver dag (sagt med en humoristisk undertone, fordi jeg er i praksis, men søker fast jobb)...

- Jeg ser i alle fall ingen bevegelse hos deg, og det betyr at du vil bli værende der du er nå i en god stund framover.

Den andre samtalen gikk omtrent slik:

- Jeg ser bevegelse hos deg. Du jobber ikke nå?

- Tja, jeg går i alle fall på jobb hver dag ( fremdeles sagt med en humoristisk undertone)

- Du er i alle fall ikke fast ansatt noe sted?

- Nei, det er jeg ikke.

- Du vil snart få fast ansettelse i en jobb du ønsker deg.

Noen få dager senere var praksisperioden min over, og jeg har fremdeles ikke fått fast ansettelse noe sted.

Ingen av dem sa noe som stemte i det hele tatt for min del.

De var begge veldig konkrete, og ingen av dem sa noe som ga noe rom for tolkning, det de sa var bare feil.

Pris for to dårlige spådommer: 326 kr.

Mitt råd, kast ikke bort pengene dine på dette.

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