Gjest Hapi Skrevet 22. august 2016 #41 Del Skrevet 22. august 2016 Den 12.6.2016 at 14.39, Sitronmelisse skrev: Sitronmelisses jordklodehypotese: Se for deg tiden som en ball; en kule; en jordklode. På overflaten av kloden er all tiden spredt ut over som landstykker; fortid, nåtid og fremtid. La Norge på jordkloden tilsvare nåtiden og forestill deg at du svever oppe i himmelen i en viss avstand fra Norge, men på en avstand som gjør at du bare ser Norge og ikke har synsvidde over noen andre land. Jodkloden snurrer i klokkehastighet, og du snurrer rundt kloden i akkurat samme hastighet, derfor ser du ikke noe annet enn Norge, dvs. ikke noe annet enn nåtiden. Men likevel foregår fortid og fremtid på den samme kloden; f.eks er USA fortiden og Kina er fremtiden. Du er ikke i stand til å se det, men alle tidene foregår samtidig... Ja nettopp, og når man inkarnerer, så inkarnerer man "I Norge", den lille biten som man ser. Når man er "død" er man nok mer utenfor tiden, altså "lengre ute i verdensrommet". Anita Moorjani beskriver sin nær-døden opplevelse som å se en stor fantastisk vev av mennesker og hendelser som blir berørt av livet ens og som berører en, mens det å leve er som å være en eneste tråd. Så når man lever går man liksom langs den tråden der man opplever ting som om det skjedde i en bestemt rekkefølge, mens når man er såkalt død, har man tilgang til å se og oppleve hele veven samtidig. “Since the tapestry of all time has already been woven, everything I could ever want to happen in my life already exists in that infinite, nonphysical plane. My only task is to expand my earthly self enough to let it into this realm. So if there's something I desire, the idea isn't to go out and get it, but to expand my own consciousness to allow universal energy to bring it into my reality here.” Hun beskriver det også slik: "Imagine, if you will, a huge, dark warehouse. You live there with only one flashlight to see by. Everything you know about what's contained within this enormous space is what you've seen by the beam of one small flashlight. Whenever you want to look for something, you may or may not find it, but that doesn't mean the thing doesn't exist. It's there, but you just haven't shone your light on it. And even when you do, the object you see may be difficult to make out. You may get a fairly clear idea of it, but often you're left wondering. You can only see what your light is focused on, and only identify that which you already know. That is what physical life is like. We're only aware of what we focus our senses on at any given time, and we can only understand what is already familiar. Next, imagine that one day, someone flicks on a switch. There for the first time, in a sudden burst of brilliance and sound and color, you can see the entire warehouse, and it's nothing like anything you'd ever imagine. Lights are blinking, flashing glowing, shooting sparks of red, yellow, blue and green. You see colours you don't recognize, ones you've never seen before. Music floods the room with fantastic kaleidoscopic surround sound melodies that you've never heard before. Neon signs pulse and boogie and rainbow strobes of cherry, lemon, vermillion, grape, lavender and gold. Electric toys run on the tracks, up and down around shelves stacked with indescribable coloured boxes, packages, papers, pencils, paints, inks, cans of food, packages of multihued candies ,bottles of effervescent sodas, chocolates of every possible variety, champagne and wines from every corner of the world. Skyrockets suddenly explode in starbursts, setting up sparkling flowers, cascades of cold fire, whisteling embers and animations of light. The vastness, complexity, depth and breth of everything going on around you is almost overwhelming. You can't see all the way to the end of the space, and you know there's more to it than what you can take in from this torrent that's tantalizing your senses and emotions. But you do get a strong feeling that you're actually part of something alive, infinite and altogether fantastic, that you are a part of a large and unfolding tapestry that goes beyond sight and sound. You understand that what you used to think was your reality was, in fact, hardly a speck within the vast wonder that surrounds you. You can see how all the various parts are interrelated, how they all play off each other, how everything fits. You notice just how many different things there are in the warehouse that you'd never seen, never dreamed of existing in such splendor and glory of color, sound, and texture -- but here they are, along with everything you already knew. And even the objects you were aware of have an entirely new context, so that they, too, seem completely new and strangely superreal. Even when the swtich goes back off, nothing can take away your understanding and clarity, the wonder and beauty, or the fabulous aliveness of the epxerience. Nothing can ever cancel your knowledge of all that exists in the warehouse. You're now far more aware of what's there, how to access it, and what's possible, than you ever were with your little flashlight. And you're left with a sense of awe over everything you experienced in those blindingly lucid moments. Life has taken on a different meaning, and your new experiences moving forward are created from this awareness." - Fra boka Dying To Be Me Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider Flere delingsvalg…
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