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Selv har jeg blitt hekta på britisk humor for tiden og spesielt på "To the Manor Born" og de fantastisk morsomme sitatene til den snobbete overklassekvinnen Audrey fforbes-Hamilton.


"I can't pretend that Marton pegging out like that wasn't the most wonderful thing that's ever happened, just think: the Grantleigh estate, all mine now. All I've ever wanted. It's too good to be true!"

Audrey til sin advokat;

"Arthur, this is a funeral, you must learn not to combine business with pleasure."

Audrey er sjokkert over at hun må selge godset pga gjeld hennes mann har etterlatt seg;

"We've been here through wars, plagues, floods, famine and Labour governments! I'm not normally given to crying. It's only since we joined the Common Market that I've picked up these beastly Continental habits."


"'England for the English, as we used to say about India"


"To think that Grantleigh Manor has come to this: taken over by a costermonger."

Audrey har fått vite at Richard DeVere(den ny eieren av Grantleigh Manor) kommer over, og at han egentlig heter Bedrich Polouvicka, og har innvandret fra Tsjekkoslovakia, og at hans far var polsk;

"Did he say what language it might be in?"

Audrey ber Richard om å gå i kirken;


"But I'm not religious"


"Religion doesn't come into it"


"To think that Grantleigh is in the hands of a man who has no interest in farming, doesn't go to church and now, it turns out, has never heard of Winnie the Pooh. You think A.A. Milne is a motoring organisation, I suppose."


"Typical, not only do you miss church and fail in all your other duties, but you cheat at Pooh-sticks."

Audrey er 40 min for sen til middag med Richard DeVere, og svarer når Richard spør hvor hun har vært;

"I'm just doubly polite"


"Now you be careful what you say about Mr DeVere, Brabinger. I've heard some very unkind and unjust things said about him(Richard DeVere) in this house."

Bravinger, Audreys butler;

"But I never said a word against him, Madame, ever."


"Maybe, but you have listened, I want no more of it."

Mrs. Po(kallenavnet til Richards mor, siden Audrey ikke klarer å uttale det);

"He who sits on the highest pinnacle still sits on his own backside."


"The price of nine-penny stamps these days."

Mrs. Po;

"To think she(Audrey) has the queen on her mantelpiece...What have you got over your mantelpiece? Just some old painting you found somewhere."


"Yes, Sotheby's."

Hesteselger Trotter;

"A snip at 5,000, genuine animal, this. Good few seasons left in in this horse."


"Yes, pantomime seasons."


"If someone ever offers you a horse called Utter Rubbish, buy it."

Richard om peisen han har gitt i gave til Audrey;

"You've never seen anything so beautiful."


"I think I might have done, Mr DeVere. Once."

Audrey til hunden sin, når hun skal i butikken;

"Stay outside, Bertie. I don't want you to pick up any fleas"

Marjory(Audreys bestevenninne);

"Speaking of charming, how is Mr DeVere?"


"How you can put 'DeVere' and 'charm' into the same breath is beyond me"


"Oh, come on, Audrey, he really is very nice."


"You mean charming. I didn't mean that. He's got about as much charm as Grimsby Dockyard."

Richard DeVere spør obersten om han kan holde "the summer hunt ball".


"Not my line, organizing things, spent most of my life in the army."

De blir enige om å prøve å overtale Audrey til å organisere ballet.


"If you succeed, the rector will be pleased. Never had a miracle in the parish."

Audrey til Marjory;

"DeVere was supposed to come to me on bended knee! Quite apart from the fact that you are totally incapable of organizing anything, you must be the only person in England to make a loss on a bring and buy sale."

Audrey til Richard;

"I can't expect you to absorb our local customs in five minutes, but some of them have been observed for hundreds of years. And one of them is not asking Marjory Frobischer to run things. You should have seen the amount of food we had to throw away after our War on Want lunch!"


"If we'd had plans like this on D-Day, we'd have invaded Scotland."


"The minute my back's turned DeVere will do something dreadful, like turning the orangery into an abattoire."


"I am not an interest, Marjory. You make me sound like a stamp collection or a brass rubbing. I am an infatuation."

Advokaten om Audrey;

"What ever colour do you call that? Magnolia? Whippet beige?"


"White as a first-aid tent."

Presten om Audrey, som drar på ferie;

"That would account for the peace and quiet. We must all enjoy it while we can."

Audrey til butleren, som lurer på hvorfor han har kjørt henne rundt på landet og hjem igjen, slik at det ser ut som hun har dratt på ferie;

"The whole point about a holiday is not that one should take one, but that one should be seen to have taken one."

Audrey spør burtleren om å smøre selvbruningskrem på ryggen hennes, som nøler;

"If it upsets you, think of England."


"I don't care for the fact that my position will be taken by someone who owns half a dozen quick-fry hamburger houses and wears clip-on bow ties. Democracy's all very well, but why give it to the people?"

Richard svarer, når moren uroer seg over at en hertug skal ta Audrey;

"Like all these old families, they're like runner beans. They only flourish when they're tied to a stake."


"I don't approve of all this sex equality. I mean, what was wrong with women being the dominant partners?"

Audrey til butleren;

"Have you been abusing your position, not to mention degrading your profession, by selling gin?"


"No, madame. Tonic."

Audrey til Richard;

"Your background's perfectly presentable...for you."


"I can't think of a pleasanter way of adding a touch of class."


"I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, Richard, but I can't think of a pleasanter way of adding a touch of money."

Mrs. Po;

"The teapot that is left longest grows coldest."

Mrs. Po;

"The cat who eats out of the dog's bowl soon gets his whiskers bitten off."


"Richard, this is supposed to be Bethlehem. You're making it look like Tokyo High Street."


"At the manor, squeezing oneself into a poky hidey-hole was a game. Here it's a permanent state of affairs."

"If I hadn't been so pig-headed. We could be at the manor playing sardines...I hid in the old butler's silver safe one year. Marton was the first to find me. It quite revived our marriage...'til I realized who it was."


Mvh Yvonne :heiajente:

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Fortsetter under...

Og siden jeg ikke har noe bedre å gjøre, her er noen til;

Audrey ang. middagen hos presten;

"I haven't had a meal of such unrelieved awfulness since we left school. I had no idea the church still went in for burnt offerings."


"You've got the blight real bad"


"I know. It comes from Mr DeVere."


"Ned moves in here so DeVere has vacant possession of Mellow End Mill. But I'm left with a useless domestic who's also a sitting tenant."

Audrey, henvisende til middagen hos presten;

"You can go very wrong with an avocado. I've had an avocado that was like a lead bullet. And quite recently, too."

Mrs. Po;

"The tongue that talks most tastes least."


"I'm under 'Changes of Circumstance'. 'Since the death of her husband, Audrey has left Grantleigh Manor and moved down the drive.' They'll think I live in a pothole!"


"She("Podge Hodge") always thought more of her horses than she did of her men....We must treat her just as we would any other social casualty. Like me, for instance."


"He might take advantage"


"Of Podge?! She'd flatten him! I must be given credit for having some taste. She had a face like a ship's boiler, what's more, she was built like one."

Audrey(ang. klær Podge skal ha på seg når hun skal jakte med Richard);

"She'll never get into mine, and Marton won't be needing these any more, even if he has gone to the happy hunting ground."


"How do you go from a WXXXXX down to that?!"


"(Indian? Salon? Chinese? Lapsang souchong?) And milk in the morning ("Cow's? Goat's? Camel's?").


"You must forgive him, he always talks in lists. He's in the grocery business."


"I don't want someone like that at the manor. Do we?"

Marjory; (Om Podge og Richard som er ute sent på kvelden sammen);

"Not in the dark, surely"


"Dark is no obstacle. The cold might be a bit inhibiting, though."


"You should go into antiques, you know a lot about them."


"Only because I grew up with them. They weren't antiques to us...My great-uncle Peveril was drinking from a Sevres cup when he had his heart attack. It was awful."


"He died?"


"Worse, it ruined the set,"


"Ever since the welfare state there haven't been enough tramps to go around."

Og ett siste sitat fra That '70s Show;

Kitty Forman;

"Sex, it's not dirty. "

Red Forman;

"It's not clean either"

Mvh Yvonne :heiajente:

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Mitt favorittsitat over alle:

(Fra Gwyneth Paltrovs Sliding Doors)

Gwyneths manns elskerinne sier til ham:

Gerry, I am a woman. We don`t say what we want. But we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don`t get it!

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Audrey om å ha personalet "inne";

“You can always tell when they’ve been: they help themselves to After Eights and leave the wrappers. It’s very embarrassing when I find myself offering a box of waste paper to the Lord Lieutenant.”

Audrey til Richard;

“You may have just bought a piece of English history, but you don’t own anything.”

Audrey om Richard;

“Don’t be fooled by the suntan, and the hair attractively greying at the temples, and that mysterious aura of power.”


“You see! You do find him attractive!”


“ I am simply saying that he looks as if he’s stepped straight out of Barbara Cartland. It all comes out of bottles, you know.”


“I just adore that twinkle in his eye when he looks at one!”


“Twinkle? That’s a nervous tic!”


“Well I suppose it might be when he looks at you.”


“Most of our historic houses are no longer lived in by Dukes and Duchesses; they're full of Arabs and pop stars, or they've been taken over by the gas board and turned into rest houses for exhausted meter-readers.”

Audrey om Richards julekrybbe;

“Why don’t you go the whole hog and have a neon sign saying ‘DeVere’s Pork Pies’?”


“You’d think in this day and age they could make a supermarket trolley so all the wheels go in the same direction.”

Audrey til Marjory ang. hva de skal si til Podge, slik at hun ikke overnatter hos Richard;

“We’ll tell her there’s been a dreadful mistake: that it’s full moon tonight and DeVere is liable to go off his head.”


“How do you persuade people to buy a ‘Brotschrank’? I don’t even know what it is.”

Kitchen Fitter:

“Well that’s a bread cupboard, ma’am. We’re in Europe now, aren’t we?”


“You may be, but I intend to stay here.”


“He comes here every year to help with the slurry carting. And in return we feed him, we let him sleep in the barn, we clean him up and sometimes we give him one of Marton’s old suits to see him on his way.”


“Jolly good; don’t let me stop you.”


“When I say we do, I mean we did. And when I say we, I mean you.”

Audrey ang. Richard, som ikke gir noe til speiderne.

“All the times they’ve helped his mother across the road! In spite of her resistance.”


“I never seem to get any white envelopes these days: only brown ones with those nasty little windows so the postman can tell everyone how much you owe.”


“Am I right in supposing that a Bee-Eater eats bees?”


“Well bound to, I mean that's probably why it's called a Bee-Eater.”


“It doesn’t seem to have occurred to you that I am a beekeeper, and that your Bee-Eater is going to eat the bees which I as a beekeeper keep!”


“Well I suppose it is just possible.”


“It’s more than just possible; it’s highly probable! You don’t call a bird a Bee-Eater if it lives on asparagus!”


“Well I know we’re supposed to live in a throwaway society; but I promise you, Marjory, I have absolutely nothing left to throw away.”

Marjory om Audreys onkel;

“I suppose he’s absolutely stinking rich.”


“Oh, absolutely stinking. He made a squalid million-”Marjory:



“No one ever makes a million honestly! Then he squandered it on loose women, then he made another million or two: all very seedy.”Marjory:

“Oh, I wish I could find a man who’d squander a million on me.”


“I said loose women, Marjory.”


“Oh, I could loosen up no end if the man was right!”

Mvh Yvonne :heiajente:

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Gerry, I am a woman. We don`t say what we want. But we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don`t get it!

:ler: Veldig bra!! :klappe:

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Klarer ikke å la være, har altfor mye gøy med dette her altså, så her kommer noen til. Audrey er rå!


Marjory, are you going to dress for dinner?


I have!


To eat it or cook it?

Mrs. Po (om naboen, som er Audrey selv);

And the people who were here before... stinkers!



Mrs. Po;

So they say, especially HER!


Who says?

Mrs. Po;

Common knowledge.


Common it may be, knowledge it is not.

Presten i Marton fforbes - Hamiltons begravelse;

Well, there we are Mrs fforbes-Hamilton. He walked in the way of the Lord and served him right.


Yes, it certainly did. Well, thank you Rector, it was a lovely funeral. We must have one again sometime

J.J. Anderson;

This is Mr DeVere.


My condolences Mrs fforbes-Hamilton.


Most kind. It was a great shock, but life must go on. Do help yourself to a drink.

J.J. Anderson;

It's Mr DeVere of Cavendish Foods...


Oh, the caterers! In that case, help everyone else to a drink.


Golly, the place looks bare! What have you done?


Oh, we've taken all the "In Sympathy" cards down. Pity, they made the place look so cheerful. There's a lovely one here from Mrs Beechum. "May me and Harry offer you every assistance with your death."


For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful.

(Marjory ler)




Sorry! Um, got a bone in my throat.


Do watch out for bones everybody. You can't be too careful with avocados.


When I say I want to know all about pig-breeding, I want to know the full facts. All you've told me here is that pigs are dirty little pink things which go 'Oink!'


Oh, there's a note attached. "My mother and I would be so pleased if you could spend Xmas day with us at the Manor." "Xmas" - makes it sound like a skin complaint.

Audrey om butleren sin;

Brabinger's got his back trouble again.


What's he picked up this time?


A billiard table.


This is one of the wettest counties in England, you know.

Richard DeVere;

I don't mind so long as it doesn't shrink. I didn't pay nearly a million to end up with a bonsai bowling green.

Mvh Yvonne :heiajente:

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Gjest Ingrid78

Jeg må si Rygel kom med et fint et i første sesong av farscape. Han hadde svelget en ring, og måtte bæsje den ut igjen. I det han lever den til en av de andre, kikker hun skeptisk på den. Og han sier: I did clean it you know. Hun snur seg for å gå, og ha sier: I think...

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Jeg liker denne fra Friends veldig godt. Ross og Rachel "viser fram" den nye barnepiken, Molly. Chandler stirrer på henne og Monica ber ham slutte å stirre og sier: "What's the big deal with her? Maybe she's attractive in an obvious kind of way."

Og så sier Ross:

"Yeah, obvious beauty's the worst. You know, when it's right there in your face. Me, I like to have to work to find someone attractive. Makes me feel like I earned it."

:grine2: :grine2:

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Twin Peaks:

James: When'd you start smokin'?

Donna: I smoke every once in a while. Helps relieve tension.

James: When'd you get so tense?

Donna: When I started smokin'.

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That 70s show:

Donna: I love you, Eric.

Eric: I love.....cake.


Også Fez da...alt det rare han sier, egentlig! :ler:

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Fra The Good Life (Margo og Jerry er naboene til Barbara og Tom);

Margo: Did I hear a dinner gong?

Tom: Not unless the chicken jumped out of the oven and banged one.

[Jerry, Barbara and Tom have been to see the musical society's production of The Sound of Music]

Tom: I mean... I mean... That *was* The Sound of Music wasn't it?

Jerry: Possibly.

Tom: I wondered. For a moment I thought we'd strayed into the Folies Bergères.

Barbara: You mean the sunrise scene where all the nuns realized they were in see-through habits?

Tom: Yes. I never really believed in them after that. Why did Margo sing Maria?

Jerry: It's the name of the character she was playing.

Tom: I know, but I thought the song came from West Side Story.

Barbara: It did.

Margo: Did you, or did you not see a pale blue envelope cellotaped to the handle of your pick-axe this morning?

Arthur Bailey: Yes, I did.

Margo: And what was written on that envelope?

Arthur Bailey: N.B.

Margo: Well?

Arthur Bailey: Well, I'm not N. Bailey. I'm Arthur Bailey. A.B.

Margo: You stupid man!

Arthur Bailey: You can't talk to me like that.

Margo: I can, because I pay your wages, and get off my carpet. For your information Mr. Bailey, N.B. means Nota Bene.

Arthur Bailey: Who?

Margo: It's Latin.

Arthur Bailey: Oh. Well, I come from Balham.

Margo: Very well. The fact that you come from Balham probably does excuse your ignorance of even elementary Latin. It does not excuse ignoring a written instruction which is sellotaped to the handle of your pick-axe.

Arthur Bailey: Written instructions are for white collar workers. I'm manual.

Margo: I see. So unless a sign reads: "Keep off the grass, Mr. Bailey, and all other manual workers", you ignore it, do you?

Arthur Bailey: I didn't mean that.

Margo: Well, what do you mean Mr. Bailey?

Arthur Bailey: I mean it's up now. It's a fait accompli.

Margo: Oh, so we know French in Balham, but no Latin?

Margo: I'll tell you this, Jerry. The male animal has a lot to answer for.

Jerry: What have I done now?

Margo: All of you. Down through the ages, and it's the woman who always suffers. You drag her alone behind you like a mere thing. An object. A chattel.

Jerry: Margo, I simply...

Margo: Don't interrupt, Jerry. Just put that hi-fi equipment away and make the coffee.

Jerry: Anything you say, chattel.

Jerry: Look, I've just cut my finger clipping your blasted hedge.

Margo: Don't swear, Jerry. And don't bleed in the sink, I've just cleaned it.

Margo: Road cleaning, I shall pay. Street lighting, I shall pay. Ground rent, I shall pay. But when it comes to the drain in front of my house, I shall not. Because it is blocked up and overflowing.

Mr. Squires - Clerk: I shall make a note of that.

Margo: You will do more than that, Mr. Squires. You will have a plumber on my door step at nine o'clock tomorrow morning with a plunger in his band, or you will not get a penny.

Mr. Squires - Clerk: Just who do think you are, Mrs. Ledbetter?

Margo: I am the silent majority.

Margo: Are you listening to the New Seekers?

Jerry: Yes.

Margo: Why?

Jerry: I like the New Seekers.

Margo: Well, I detest wallpaper music.

Margo: So much for James and Maggie Preston. At least we won't have to listen to any more of those interminable stories about her womb.

[Margo is wearing a voluminous white gown]

Margo: Hello, Barbara.

Barbara: Margo, what are you wearing? You look like the Angel of Death.

Margo: Yes, it's hideous, isn't it? The whole choir is wearing them when we sing The Messiah. She wants everyone to look the same and she only gave the dress maker one set of measurements.

Barbara: Hers, presumably.

Margo: Yes. Jerry calls it my Oratorio Tent.

Tom: [calls through the letterbox] Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!

Margo: Tom!


Margo: *What* is that?

Tom: It's two dustbins on a trolley.

Margo: I can see it's two dustbins on a trolley and when I asked you the question it was a rhetorical one which does not need a direct answer as you knew very well in the first place.

Tom: Oh. You make me hold my breath when you do those long sentences, Margo.

Margo: What *is* it?

Tom: It's two rhetorical dustbins on a rhetorical trolley.

Margo: Then will you kindly remove them from my crazy paving before someone sees us.

Tom: They'd have less chance of seeing us if we hide behind the dustbins.

Jerry: [a drunken Jerry and Barbara are doing dishes. Barbara touches her hair] Now, don't. Stop that.

Barbara: Well, it's *my* hair.

Jerry: I know. It's not that, it's the gesture. Brings out the beast in me.

Barbara: Jerry, I'm a married woman.

Jerry: Well, so am I.

Tom: [Tom has just tasted his home-brewed pea pod burgundy and is shocked at its potency] It's hurting the back of my eyes!


Det skal sies at Margo spilles av samme person som spiller Audrey i To the Manor Born. Elsker rolletolkningene hennes. :ler:

Mvh Yvonne :heiajente:

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