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Dagens rating.

angkortom (1531) ProPac (1617) 0-1 (lost) 61 11 Jan 2011 Smoke_Screen (1617) angkortom (1538) 1-0 (lost) 20 11 Jan 2011 angkortom (1545) mishytka (1417) 1-0 (won) 18 9 Jan 2011 angkortom (1539) Digger13 (1432) 1-0 (won) 30 9 Jan 2011 finsen (1248) angkortom (1533) 0-1 (won) 12 8 Jan 2011 angkortom (1530) HARDTYMR (1399) 1-0 (won) 31 7 Jan 2011 angkortom (1525) WillET (1428) 1-0 (won) 47 7 Jan 2011 Ruy1Lopez (1263) angkortom (1519) 0-1 (won) 15 7 Jan 2011 lastflytou



Dagens rating.

Current: 1545 Highest: 1596 (25 Oct 2009) Avg. Opp.: 1461 Best Win: 1694 (EpicPwnage) Today's Rank: #44033 of 300,795 (85.4%) Total Games: 323 Won: 152 (47%) Lost: 159 (49%) Drawn: 12 (4%) Regn og sludd. Klokken er 19:55. pipedreams



AlisonStarbuck(1485) trakk det lengste strået.

1.d4Nf6 2.c4d6 3.Nc3Nbd7 4.Nf3g6 5.e4Bg7 6.Be2O-O 7.g3Re8 8.O-Oe5 9.d5Nc5 10.b4Ncxe4 11.Bd2Nxc3 12.Bxc3Ne4 13.Bd2Nxd2 14.Qxd2Bf5 15.Rfe1c6 16.a4cxd5 17.Nh4e4 18.Rac1dxc4 19.Bxc4a6 20.Qd5Be6 21.Qxb7Bxc4 22.Rxc4Qb8 23.Qd7Rd8 24.Qe7Re8 25.Qd7Qa7 26.Rc7Qd4 27.Nf3exf3 28.Rxe8+Rxe8 29.Qxf7+ Angkortom = 1505. Dagens rating, 1530. Etter en uke med mildvær frøs det på igjen i natt. Klokken er 21:00. pipedreams



A lean, mean logistics machine. Angkortom(1502) vs. Mr-Alghamdi(1381)

1.e4e5 2.Nf3d6 3.d4exd4 4.Nxd4Nf6 5.Nc3Be7 6.Bc4c5 7.Nb3O-O 8.O-ONc6 9.Re1Ne5 10.Bd5Nxd5 11.Nxd5Bf6 12.Nd2Be6 13.Nxf6+Qxf6 14.Re3Ng4 15.Rf3Qh4 16.h3Ne5 17.Rg3Qf6 18.Nf3Nxf3+ 19.Qxf3Qxf3 20.Rxf3Rfd8 21.Bf4b6 22.Rd1d5 23.exd5Rxd5 24.Rxd5Bxd5 25.Rd3Bxa2 26.c3Be6 27.Rg3Rd8 28.Be5g6 29.Bf6Rd1+ 30.Kh2Rd2 31.f4Rxb2 32.Rd3h5 33.Rd8+Kh7 34.Rh8#



Dagens rating.

VincentVega1 (1431) angkortom (1507) 0-1 (won) 19 27 Dec 2010 angkortom (1500) DimitriStalin (1207) 1-0 (won) 7 24 Dec 2010 pecksel (1466) angkortom (1497) 0-1 (won) 58 21 Dec 2010 alberto (1401) angkortom (1489) 0-1 (won) 4 21 Dec 2010 angkortom (1482) VincentVega1 (1444) 1-0 (won) 33 20 Dec 2010 angkortom (1474) ScottJuniper (1122) 1-0 (won) 1 19 Dec 2010 angkortom (1470) qurotai (1282) 1-0 (won) 16 18 Dec 2010 angkortom (1466) boondocK___ (1313) 1-0 (won) 1



Statistics per se, uh ok?

angkortom (1482) VincentVega1 (1444) 1-0 (won) 33 20 Dec 2010 view angkortom (1474) ScottJuniper (1122) 1-0 (won) 1 19 Dec 2010 view angkortom (1470) qurotai (1282) 1-0 (won) 16 18 Dec 2010 view angkortom (1466) boondocK___ (1313) 1-0 (won) 11 15 Dec 2010 view angkortom (1461) RodrigoJoseDominguez (1582) 1-0 (won) 35 13 Dec 2010 view angkortom (1450) jlanier (1672) 1-0 (won) 22 13 Dec 2010 view nomersy (1592) angkortom (1437) 0-1 (won) 43 13 Dec 2010 view JoeKeranen (



Oppgitt av RodrigoJoseDominguez(1582)

1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc6 3.d4Qf6 4.Be3exd4 5.Nxd4a6 6.Nc3Bb4 7.Qd3Bxc3+ 8.Qxc3Nge7 9.Bd3O-O 10.O-Od6 11.h3Rd8 12.Nxc6Qxc3 13.bxc3Nxc6 14.Rfe1Ne5 15.Bf4h6 16.c4Nxd3 17.cxd3Re8 18.d4b5 19.Rac1Bb7 20.c5Bxe4 21.cxd6cxd6 22.Bxd6Rad8 23.Bc5Bd5 24.a3Bc6 25.Rxe8+Rxe8 26.Bb6Bd5 27.Rc5Re1+ 28.Kh2Be6 29.d5Bd7 30.Rc7Bf5 31.d6Kf8 32.d7Bxd7 33.Rxd7Re7 34.Bc5Ke8 35.Rxe7+ Klokken er 23;00. pipedreams



Fra The Washington Post Invitational.

The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again invited readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are the winners: 1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time. 2. Ignoranus : A person who's both stupid and an asshole. 3. Intaxicaton : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it w



Amerikaneren ga opp etter hvits to- og tyvende trekk.

angkortom(1450) vs. jlanier(1672) 1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc6 3.d4exd4 4.Nxd4Qf6 5.Nxc6Qxc6 6.Nc3Bb4 7.Qf3Bxc3+ 8.bxc3d6 9.Bd2h6 10.Bd3Nf6 11.O-OBg4 12.Qf4O-O-O 13.h3g5 14.Qxf6Be6 15.c4Bxc4 16.Be3Be6 17.a4d5 18.Bd4dxe4 19.Bb5Qxc2 20.Bxa7Bc4 21.Rfc1Qb2 22.Qxb2 Klokken er 21:36. pipedreams



Seier mot nomersy (1592)

1.e4d5 2.exd5Qxd5 3.Nc3Qd8 4.d4Nf6 5.h3e6 6.Bg5Be7 7.Nf3Nbd7 8.Bxf6Bxf6 9.Be2O-O 10.O-Oc5 11.Qd3cxd4 12.Nxd4Nc5 13.Nxe6Bxe6 14.Qxd8Rfxd8 15.Rfd1Rxd1+ 16.Bxd1a6 17.a3b5 18.Rb1Bf5 19.Nd5Re8 20.Kf1Bd4 21.Nc7Rc8 22.Nd5Kf8 23.b4Ne4 24.Ke2Nxf2 25.Ne3Nxd1 26.Rxd1Bxc2 27.Rxd4Bb3 28.Rd6Ra8 29.Nd5Bxd5 30.Rxd5h6 31.Rd6Ke7 32.Rd5Rd8 33.Rxd8Kxd8 34.Ke3Kd7 35.Ke4Kd6 36.g3g6 37.g4f6 38.Kd4f5 39.Ke3Ke5 40.Kf3f4 41.h4h5 42.gxh5gxh5 43.Kf2Ke4 Her kastet grekeren inn hå



jlanier (1679)

1.e4e5 2.Nf3Nc6 3.d4exd4 4.Nxd4Qf6 5.Nxc6Qxc6 6.Nc3Bb4 7.Qf3Bxc3+ 8.bxc3d6 9.Bd2h6 10.Bd3Nf6 11.O-OBg4 12.Qf4O-O-O 13.h3g5 14.Qxf6Be6 15.c4 Ser bra ut dette. Min rating er 1425 p.t. Klokken er 14:25. Mildvær. pipedreams



The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

angkortom (1431) vs. stevekq3 (1440) 1.e4e5 2.Nf3d6 3.d4d5 4.exd5e4 5.Ne5f6 6.Nc4Qxd5 7.Nc3Bb4 8.a3Bxc3+ 9.bxc3g6 10.Ne3Qa5 11.Bb2Ne7 12.Be2Qg5 13.O-OBe6 14.c4O-O 15.d5Bd7 16.c5c6 17.c4Rd8 18.Ng4Nf5 19.Bxf6Qxf6 20.Nxf6+ og svart ga opp KLokken er 19:58 pipedreams



Litt skryt unner jeg meg selv...

angkortom: Hi again daisyb: back for more punishment ! angkortom: good game! daisyb: you play superb chess. It's bloody near impossible to crack your game. Great sport ! daisyb: good sport ! thanks for the game. angkortom: thanks mate pipedreams



daisyb resignerte etter det 42. trekket.

1.e4d5 2.e5d4 3.Bc4e6 4.d3a6 5.Qg4Nc6 6.Bg5Be7 7.Bxe7Ngxe7 8.Qxg7Ng6 9.Nf3h6 10.Qf6Nce7 11.Nh4Rg8 12.Nxg6Rxg6 13.Qh8+Ng8 14.h4Rxg2 15.Rf1Qxh4 16.Nd2Qg4 17.f3Qg3+ 18.Kd1Bd7 19.Ne4Qf4 20.Nf6+Ke7 21.Nxg8+Rgxg8 22.Qf6+Qxf6 23.exf6+Kxf6 24.Kd2Rg3 25.f4Rag8 26.Rae1b5 27.Bb3c5 28.c4Bc6 29.Re5b4 30.f5Re8 31.Rxc5exf5 32.Rcxf5+Kg6 33.Rf6+Kg5 34.Rxc6f5 35.Rxa6f4 36.Rb6f3 37.Bd1Rg2+ 38.Kc1f2 39.Rb5+Kf4 40.Rd5Kg3 41.Rxd4Re1 42.Rg4+Kh3 Ny rating er 1422. Klokken er



Apparently There Are Some Things...

Apparently There Are Some Things One Should Not Say Or Do... I've just come out of the shop with a meat and potato pie, large chips, mushy peas & a jumbo sausage. A poor homeless man sat there and said 'I've not eaten for two days' I told him 'I wish I had your fucking will power' Top tip; if you're camping in the summer and the attractive girl in the next tent tells you that because it's so hot she will be sleeping with her flaps open, it's not necessarily an invitation to casual sex



JoeKeranen vs. angkortom

1.e4c5 2.Bc4d6 3.Nc3Nc6 4.a3Nf6 5.d3g6 6.Nf3Bg4 7.h3Bxf3 8.gxf3Bg7 9.f4O-O 10.Be3e5 11.fxe5Nxe5 12.Bd5Qd7 13.Qe2Rab8 14.O-O-Oa6 15.f4Nc6 16.f5gxf5 17.Bxc6bxc6 18.Qg2Kh8 19.Rhg1Rg8 20.Bf4Bh6 21.Qf3Bxf4+ 22.Qxf4Qb7 23.b3d5 24.Qxf5Nd7 25.Qxf7Rbf8 26.Rxg8+Rxg8 27.exd5Rf8 28.dxc6Qxc6 29.Qd5Qc7 30.Rg1Nf6 31.Qg2Qe5 32.Qg7#



Seier over JoeKeranen. Tap mot POUSTRONIA

I natt snødde det etter å ha vært bart lenge. Glatte veier. Dagens rating 1420. angkortom (1415) POUSTRONIA (1589) 0-1 (lost) 26 5 Dec 2010 angkortom (1420) JoeKeranen (1538) 1-0 (won) 32 5 Dec 2010 angkortom (1409) LourdesGultiano (1249) 1-0 (won) 35 4 Dec 2010 LourdesGultiano (1254) angkortom (1404) 0-1 (won) 28 4 Dec 2010 angkortom (1399) Zaburina (1504) 0-1 (lost) 26 3 Dec 2010 angkortom (1405) metalhed (1478) 1-0 (won) 47 1 Dec 2010 robinhirsch (1494) angk



Remis mot DimitriStalin.

DimitriStalin (1242) versus angkortom (1401) 42.e4Rf1+ 43.Kg3Rg1+ 44.Kf3Rf1+ 45.Ke3Rd1 Etter angkortoms to tilbud om remis, godtok DimitriStalin resultatet. Klokken er 19:51. pipedreams



Dagens rating

Current: 1417 Highest: 1596 (25 Oct 2009) Avg. Opp.: 1466 Best Win: 1694 (EpicPwnage) Today's Rank: #67407 of 303,193 (77.8%) Total Games: 284 Won: 122 (43%) Lost: 151 (53%) Drawn: 11 (4%) Klokken er 23:11 pipedreams



MikeCottage won by resignation

MikeCottage(1457) won by resignation versus angkortom (1424). 1.d4e6 2.e4Qh4 3.Nc3Bb4 4.Nf3Qf6 5.Bg5Qg6 6.Bd3f6 7.e5Qf7 8.exf6gxf6 9.Bd2Bxc3 10.Bxc3d5 11.O-Oa6 12.Re1Nc6 13.a3b5 14.b4Nh6 15.Bd2Ng8 16.Bf4Bb7 17.Bf5Bc8 18.Qe2Nd8 19.c3Ne7 20.Bd3f5 21.Bxc7Nec6 22.Ne5Qxc7 23.Qh5+Nf7 24.Re3Nxe5 25.Rxe5Qxc3 26.Re3Qxa1+ 27.Bf1Qxd4 28.Rd3Qg4 29.Qh3Qxh3 30.Rxh3e5 31.Rh5Be6 32.Bd3Rc8 33.Bxf5 pipedreams



Some jokes

My girlfriend said I"ve got the biggest cock she"d ever seen,That"s one of the benefits of going out with a 10 year old. I keep hearing about all these Muslim teenagers being brainwashed. Well, at least that"s one part of their body that won"t smell. Apparently clumsy people are more likely to be obese because they keep walking into things....like McDonalds What do you call a Scouser in a university? Caretaker There are so many boarded-up houses in Liverpool, that the window cleaner



"Når sjefene skal feste". Et dikt av Jarle A.

Når sjefene skal feste. Limousinene glir opp foran penthousets stopp. Det er sjefene som kommer Her skal festes til neste sommer. Ut de stiger foran de som higer etter et liv i sus og dus eller ønsker å være linselus. Ikledd sjaketten trør de på parketten. Målrettet mot kveldens høydepunkt egoet skal få nok et runk. Det skal festes på graven på trellenes laven. De ler så de griner over fattigfolks piner. Det er overbærene smil over småsparerens dårlige deal.



Brettet er snudd mot daisyb (1348)

1.e4d5 2.e5d4 3.Bc4e6 4.d3a6 5.Qg4Nc6 6.Bg5Be7 7.Bxe7Ngxe7 8.Qxg7Ng6 9.Nf3h6 10.Qf6Nce7 11.Nh4Rg8 12.Nxg6Rxg6 13.Qh8+Ng8 14.h4Rxg2 15.Rf1Qxh4 16.Nd2Qg4 17.f3Qg3+ 18.Kd1Bd7 19.Ne4Qf4 20.Nf6+Ke7 21.Nxg8+Rgxg8 22.Qf6+Qxf6 23.exf6+Kxf6 Som man ser har angkortoms skandinaviske åpning gjort ham åpen for angrep.Klokken er 19:30. Dronningbytte med bondevinst for svart. Nå er den lange rokaden en saga, blott.Klokken er 19:30. pipedreams



Andre dag

Klokken er 15:35. JoeKeranen har stirret døden i hvitøyet. Min dronningløper til h6, og svart ville hatt problemer. En kjedelig binding og påfølgende matt-trussel. Attende trekk, h8. JoeKeranen flytter sin konge helt inn i hjørnet. Men marerittet er ikke over. Tårn h- g1. Matt i neste trekk. Flytter han sin kongeløper, dør den. Og matt- trusselen lever. Klokken er 15:55. 1.e4c5 2.Bc4d6 3.Nc3Nc6 4.a3Nf6 5.d3g6 6.Nf3Bg4 7.h3Bxf3 8.gxf3Bg7 9.f4O-O 10.Be3e5 11.fxe5Nxe5 12.Bd5Qd7 13.Qe2R




God went to the Arabs and said, 'I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.' The Arabs asked, 'What are Commandments?' And the Lord said, 'They are rules for living.' 'Can you give us an example?' 'Thou shall not kill.' 'Not kill? We're not interested..' So He went to the Blacks and said, 'I have Commandments.' The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said, 'Honor thy Father and Mother.' 'Father? We don't know who our fathers are. We're not intereste



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