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The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population -- the intelligent ones or the fools?

— Henrik Ibsen

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The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population -- the intelligent ones or the fools?

— Henrik Ibsen

Så stas å debatere med Adam Savag og Henrik Ibsen.

You are correct to a sertain degree. But. How do you determin an average height in a population? The majority. How do you determin what is sane behaviour? The majority.

A soceity are better of whith the sane fools perception of the world and the safety and correction in numbers, then putting their perception of reality in the hands of a tormented and insane genious, that see, hears and reflect in a deviating way. Soceity needs to intervine to save the individual from it self, when the persons selfdestruction becomes to great.


Endret av kristian82
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Ah, but unlike you I think society would be better off run by the intelligent though tormented people. I think that would help society put the right focus on what really matters, and by that I don't mean gas prices, beer in grocery stores and the usual things "society" deems important during election times.

You also mention sane behaviour, I don't think it's a case of being sane or normal, I think we're all insane just at varying degrees.

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Ah, but unlike you I think society would be better off run by the intelligent though tormented people. I think that would help society put the right focus on what really matters, and by that I don't mean gas prices, beer in grocery stores and the usual things "society" deems important during election times.

You also mention sane behaviour, I don't think it's a case of being sane or normal, I think we're all insane just at varying degrees.

I prefer living in a democratitic country, where no singel headed tormented genious makes al the decions. It is the "genious" akileshæl this arrogance that he alone knows best, and the righteous belive that 1,2 or 3 people are in such a position that they can demand/tell the millions "what really matters". Who is to say if gas prices are more or less importent then cultur, personal development and so on? The majority! Our history also shows, with few -if any - exeptions, that "elite" leadership and dictatorship, ignores and supress the majority and enhance the few.


Jeg orker ikke google og er trøtt så du må bare unnskylde engelsken :skratte:

Endret av kristian82
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Jeg orker ikke google og er trøtt så du må bare unnskylde engelsken :skratte:

It seems quite allright to me!

I never said I wanted a single omnipotent leader, I'd rather have a council of sorts. I do not trust the majority. I regard the majority mainly as sheep that should be herded.

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)

It seems though that we have diametrically opposed views on this matter, I do agree however that absolute power has a tendency to corrupt.

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Og Virre er tilbake til at hun ikke skjønner en dritt her inne :fnise:

Ta det med helt ro du. De aller fleste her inne skjønner ikke noe som helst av det hele,- men næggu om de vil innrømme det høyt. Du er modig! *henge medalje rundt Virre-halsen* ;)
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Ta det med helt ro du. De aller fleste her inne skjønner ikke noe som helst av det hele,- men næggu om de vil innrømme det høyt. Du er modig! *henge medalje rundt Virre-halsen* ;)

Fniiis :fnise: Jeg tror nemlig heller ikke alle skjønner alt nei.. Hehe..

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Og slik er det med politkere og dem som leder verden også. Ganske skremmende egentlig, om de egentlig er av vårt kaliber her inne, men tar på seg dresser, slips og alvorlige miner...og bare later som. :tristbla: *i dag er det tenkedyptdagen* *eller tenkedypt femminutterdagen* lol

Endret av Margareth
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It seems quite allright to me!

I never said I wanted a single omnipotent leader, I'd rather have a council of sorts. I do not trust the majority. I regard the majority mainly as sheep that should be herded.

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)

It seems though that we have diametrically opposed views on this matter, I do agree however that absolute power has a tendency to corrupt.

Jesus Christ is a good leader, and should he return to earth he should offcourse rule ower the majority.

Perhaps we have different wievs or perhaps I only felt like debating for the sake of debating. The flair that lighted the fire was however your reluction to adapt the k82s rule of attraction. :fnise:

Og Virre er tilbake til at hun ikke skjønner en dritt her inne :fnise: Jeje, helluuuuuu likevel appi :klem:

Jeg og Hog er ganske delvis skyld i det :ler: Koslig du er back Virre :klem:

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What is this? What is this? An English speaking party and Al is not invited???? :trist:

Offcourse were you invited Al, but neither Hogwash or mee had the heart to wake you up. We thought of it as a practice session so our english improves and we can speak to you in a mather wordy an angel. :opplyser:

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Oh my! Then you are forgiven! :klem: I do adore listening to the boys conversing in English, and in British English especially. Scottish or Aussie accents are also highly adored :hjerte:

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Oh my! Then you are forgiven! :klem: I do adore listening to the boys conversing in English, and in British English especially. Scottish or Aussie accents are also highly adored :hjerte:

Thank you my lady. Yes english are quite marvelous when it is spoken in a correct mather. Scottish or aussie are not high class enough, I do so agree. :hug:

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But you said nothing about using my big, big puppy eyes :)

Neeeeei *k82 holder seg for øynene men klarer ikke å la være å se*


K82 er sjarmert i senk :fnise:

Han der katten med støvlene er SÅ GENIAL as :hoho: uuuuutrolig kul :strix:

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