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"Grill" en kristen. Still spørsmål, så skal jeg forsøke å svare så godt jeg kan.


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AnonymBruker skrev (1 minutt siden):

Hvordan kan du med 100% sikkerhet vite at bibelen ikke er skrevet av djevelen? 

Når jeg leser bibelen, så er det enormt mye feiring av genocide, vold, voldtekt, slaveri, incest og mye annet.

Om Gud ikke vil kontrollere folk, og djevelen er en trickster, så gir det mer mening at bibelen er et produkt av djevelen, ikke Gud. 

Kanskje gud er djevelen?

Ah, jeg forstår hva indoktrinering er, men samtidig kan jeg ikke forstå hvordan kristne kan ha så mye tillit til en bok de fleste kristne aldri har lest, og helt uten bevis 😅

Anonymkode: ec03b...537

Det er spesielt det gamle testamentet som er grotesk. Jesus opphevet dette. Han var ingen tilhenger av vold, overgrep og slaveri. Han forkynte frihet og fred, og oppfordret folk til å være snille og ikke dømme. "Den som er uten synd kan kaste den første steinen" sa ham da de ville steine en kvinne som var tatt i utroskap. 

Gud er ikke djevelen, men djevelen er like virkelig som Gud.

Jeg har lest hele nye testamentet, minus Johannes åpenbaring.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

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Fortsetter under...


Jeg stusset litt på dette med «legemets oppstandelse»? 

Hvis det er den fysiske kroppen, må det jo unektelig bli litt ubehagelig for alle parter? Eller har Gud bare laget en helt unødvendig forråtnelsesprosess som blir reversert?

Anonymkode: b102e...709

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AnonymBruker skrev (Akkurat nå):

Jeg stusset litt på dette med «legemets oppstandelse»? 

Hvis det er den fysiske kroppen, må det jo unektelig bli litt ubehagelig for alle parter? Eller har Gud bare laget en helt unødvendig forråtnelsesprosess som blir reversert?

Anonymkode: b102e...709

Den var litt søt :) 

Tenkte du på når mennesket dør og blir tatt opp til himmelen?

Mennesket dør. Som de sier i begravelsen "fra jord har du kommet, til jord skal du bli". Kroppen råtner, men sjelen går videre. I himmelen får vi alle en ny kropp.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

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Adam og Eva fikk tre sønner. Hvordan gikk livet videre? 

Anonymkode: 405e5...9d2

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Til dette med lidelse, sykdom og hvordan Gud ser på dette


En natt hadde  en mann en drøm.
 Han drømte at han spaserte langs stranden sammen med Herren. Over himmelen kom bilder fra livet hans til syne.
 For hvert bilde han så, oppdaget han at det var to par fotspor i sanden
, det ene var hans egne, og det andre var Herrens.

Da det siste bildet fòr forbi over himmelen,
 så han tilbake på fotsporene i sanden. 
Han la merke til at mange ganger i livets løp var det bare ett par fotspor. 
Da oppdaget han også at det var de gangene da livet hans hadde vært vanskeligst og mest smertefullt.

Dette forsto han ikke, så han spurte Herren: 
»Herre, du sa engang at da jeg bestemte meg for å følge deg, 
ville du alltid gå med meg og aldri forlate meg. Men nå ser jeg at da min nød var størst og livet var vanskeligst å leve, 
da er det bare ett par fotspor. 
Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor du forlot meg da jeg trengte deg mest?”

Da svarte Herren: «Mitt kjære og dyrebare barn! 
Jeg elsker deg og ville aldri forlate deg.
 De gangene i livet ditt da prøvelsene og lidelsene dine var størst, og du bare kan se ett spor i sanden,
 det var de gangene jeg bar deg i armene mine.»



Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

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AnonymBruker skrev (3 minutter siden):

Hva mener du med at kristne er i undertall? Det er den største religionen.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

Ikke hvis du legger sammen alle de andre som tror på noe helt annet.

Anonymkode: 8c841...094

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Jeg har selv vært kristen før, bodde hos en prest også på utveksling ( helt forferdelig), men fant gud som livskraften gjennom meditasjon og buddhismen senere i livet. Ved en lang og stille meditasjon åpnet hjertechakraen seg, og jeg kjente at jeg er alt og vi er alle ett. Ett univers-en bevissthet.  Tiden eksisterer ikke, og det gjør ikke jeg og du heller. Kristne tror, - tro er bare tanker og en del av hele illusjonen. Anbefaler å starte med meditasjon og gå ut av tankene om gud, først da vil gud som kjærligheten og livskraften vise seg. 

Anonymkode: 46455...568

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AnonymBruker skrev (1 minutt siden):

Adam og Eva fikk tre sønner. Hvordan gikk livet videre? 

Anonymkode: 405e5...9d2

De gikk ut og giftet seg med noen hedninger....🤣🤣🤣

Anonymkode: 8c841...094

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38 minutter siden, AnonymBruker said:

Elendigheten kom med syndefallet. Gud hadde sagt til Adam og Eva at de ikke skulle spise av frukten på treet i midten av hagen, men de trosset Gud, og spiste av frukten. Gud hadde på forhånd sagt at hvis de spiste av frukten så ville de få kunnskap om godt og vondt. Så det vonde kom inn i verden ved at mennesket syndet mot Gud.

Veldig mye vondt er menneskeskapt.

Så tenker mange "men hvordan kan Gud se på, hvis han er god?". Gud har gitt oss fri vilje. Hvis han hadde kommet inn og diktert og styrt oss, så hadde vi ikke hatt fri vilje.

Det er litt som de som har barn. De blir nødt til å la barnet få utforske verden på egen hånd og ta egne valg. Foreldre kan ikke kontrollere barna sine og henge over dem og passe på at de aldri gjør noe galt. Det er ikke kjærlighet. Det er kontroll. Frihet er kjærlighet. Og frihet har Gud gitt oss fordi han elsker oss. SÅ er det opp til oss å velge det gode.



Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

Så når uskyldige barn dør av kreft og andre uhelbredelige sykdommer, så er det fordi vi er syndete? Han høres ondskapsfull ut spørr du meg. Ja vi har fri vilje, men siden vi ikke har kunnskapen til å lage en kur enda så skal han bare se på? 

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AnonymBruker skrev (9 minutter siden):

Det er spesielt det gamle testamentet som er grotesk. Jesus opphevet dette. Han var ingen tilhenger av vold, overgrep og slaveri. Han forkynte frihet og fred, og oppfordret folk til å være snille og ikke dømme. "Den som er uten synd kan kaste den første steinen" sa ham da de ville steine en kvinne som var tatt i utroskap. 

Gud er ikke djevelen, men djevelen er like virkelig som Gud.

Jeg har lest hele nye testamentet, minus Johannes åpenbaring.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

Hvor er teksten hvor Jesus opphev dette?


Her er noen kjipe ting fra det nye testamentet forresten:



  • Those who bear bad fruit will be cut down and burned "with unquenchable fire." 3:10, 12
  • Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. 5:17
  • Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. 5:29-30
  • Jesus says that most people will go to hell. 7:13-14
  • Those who fail to bear "good fruit" will be "hewn down, and cast into the fire." 7:19
  • "The children of the kingdom [the Jews] shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 8:12
  • Jesus tells a man who had just lost his father: "Let the dead bury the dead." 8:21
  • Jesus sends some devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the waters below. 8:32
  • Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks (see Gen 19:24). 10:14-15
  • Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death." 10:21
  • Jesus says that we should fear God who is willing and "able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 10:28
  • Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has "come not to send peace, but a sword." 10:34-36
  • Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn't care for his preaching. 11:20-24
  • Jesus will send his angels to gather up "all that offend" and they "shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." 13:41-42, 50
  • Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: "He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death." (See Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21) So, does Jesus think that children who curse their parents should be killed? It sure sounds like it. 15:4-7
  • "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." 15:13
  • Jesus advises his followers to mutilate themselves by cutting off their hands and plucking out their eyes. He says it's better to be "maimed" than to suffer "everlasting fire." 18:8-9
  • In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. The parable ends with this: "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you." If you are cruel to others, God will be cruel to you. 18:23-35
  • "And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors." 18:34
  • God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and rents the vineyard to others. 21:33-41
  • "Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Whoever falls on "this stone" (Jesus) will be broken, and whomever the stone falls on will be ground into powder. 21:44
  • In the parable of the marriage feast, the king sends his servants to gather everyone they can find, both bad and good, to come to the wedding feast. One guest didn't have on his wedding garment, so the king tied him up and "cast him into the outer darkness" where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 22:1-14
  • The end of the world will be signaled by wars, famines, disease, and earthquakes (6-7). And that's just "the beginning of sorrows" (8). Next believers will be hated and killed by unbelievers (9), believers will hate and betray each other (10), false prophets will fool people (11), iniquity will abound and love wax cold (12). But hey, if you make through all that, you'll be saved (13).

    Only one more thing will happen before the end comes: the gospel will be preached throughout the world (14). Well, that and the abomination of desolations will stand in the holy place (15), many false Christs and false prophets will show great signs and wonders (24), the sun and moon will be darkened and the stars will fall (29), the sign of the son of Man will appear in the sky, everyone on earth will mourn, and then, finally, the great and powerful son of Man will come in all his glory (30).

    Oh, and all these things will happen within the lifespan of Jesus' contemporaries (34).

    Or maybe not. Jesus was talking about things he knew nothing about (36). (See Mark 13:32.) 24:3-51

  • Jesus had no problem with the idea of drowning everyone on earth in the flood. It'll be just like that when he returns. 24:37
  • God will come when people least expect him and then he'll "cut them asunder." And "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 24:50-51
  • The parable of the cruel and unjust master
    The kingdom of heaven is like a rich man who distributed his wealth to his servants while he traveled. He gave five talents (a talent was a unit of money, worth about 20 years of a worker's wages) to one servant, two to another, and one to a third. When he returned, the servant with five talents had made five more, the servant with two made two more, but the servant with one talent only had the talent his master entrusted to him. The master rewarded the servants that invested his money (without his permission -- what would have happened if the stock market went down during their master's travels?) and took the talent from the single-talent servant and gave it to the one with ten talents. "For unto every one that hath shall be given .. but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." Then the cruel and unjust master cast the servant who carefully protected his master's talent into the "outer darkness: [where] there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 25:14-30
  • The servant who kept and returned his master's talent was cast into the "outer darkness" where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." 25:30
  • Jesus judges the nations. 25:31-46
  • Jesus tells us what he has planned for those that he dislikes. They will be cast into an "everlasting fire." 25:41
  • Jesus says the damned will be tormented forever. 25:46



  • Jesus explains why he speaks in parables: to confuse people so they will go to hell. 4:11-12


  • Jesus sends devils into 2000 pigs, causing them to jump off a cliff and be drowned in the sea. When the people hear about it, they beg Jesus to leave. 5:12-13


  • Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. 6:11


  • Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law. (See Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21) 7:9-10


  • Jesus tells us to cut off our hands and feet, and pluck out our eyes to avoid going to hell. 9:43-49


  • God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and gives the vineyard to others. 12:1-9


  • Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 14:22-24


  • Jesus says that those that believe and are baptized will be saved, while those who don't will be damned. 16:16



  • Zechariah asks the angel Gabriel how his wife Elizabeth could become pregnant, since she is "stricken with years." Gabriel makes him "dumb" just for asking. 1:20


  • Those who fail to bear "good fruit" will be "hewn down, and cast into the fire." 3:9


  • John the Baptist says that Christ will burn the damned "with fire unquenchable." 3:17


  • Jesus heals a naked man who was possessed by many devils by sending the devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the sea. This messy, cruel, and expensive (for the owners of the pigs) treatment did not favorably impress the local residents, and Jesus was asked to leave. 8:27-37


  • Jesus says that entire cities will be violently destroyed and the inhabitants "thrust down to hell" for not "receiving" his disciples. 10:10-15


  • Jesus says that we should fear God since he has the power to kill us and then torture us forever in hell. 12:5


  • Jesus says that God is like a slave-owner who beats his slaves "with many stripes." 12:46-47


  • "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." 13:3, 5


  • According to Jesus, only a few will be saved; the vast majority will suffer eternally in hell where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 13:23-30


  • In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man goes to hell, because as Abraham explains, he had a good life on earth and so now he will be tormented. Whereas Lazarus, who was miserable on earth, is now in heaven. This seems fair to Jesus. 16:19-31


  • Jesus believed the story of Noah's ark. He thought it really happened and had no problem with the idea of God drowning everything and everybody. 17:26-27


  • Jesus also believes the story about Sodom's destruction. He says, "even thus shall it be in the day the son of man is revealed ... Remember Lot's wife." This tells us about Jesus' knowledge of science and history, and his sense of justice. 17:29-32


  • In the parable of the talents, Jesus says that God takes what is not rightly his, and reaps what he didn't sow. The parable ends with the words: "bring them [those who preferred not to be ruled by him] hither, and slay them before me." 19:22-27


  • Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 22:19-20



  • Jesus believed the stupid and vicious story from Numbers 21. (God sent snakes to bite the people for complaining about the lack of food and water. Then God told Moses to make a brass snake to cure them from the bites.) 3:14


  • "God so loved the world, that he gave his His only begotten Son."
    As an example to parents everywhere and to save the world (from himself), God had his own son tortured and killed. 3:16


  • People are damned or saved depending only on what they believe. 3:18, 36


  • The "wrath of God" is on all unbelievers. 3:36


  • Jesus believes people are crippled by God as a punishment for sin. He tells a crippled man, after healing him, to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." 5:14


  • Those who do not believe in Jesus will be cast into a fire to be burned. 15:6


  • Jesus says we must eat his flesh and drink his blood if we want to have eternal life. This idea was just too gross for "many of his disciples" and "walked no more with him." (They are called Protestants nowadays.) 6:53-66



  • Peter claims that Dt 18:18-19 refers to Jesus, saying that those who refuse to follow him (all non-Christians) must be killed. 3:23


  • Peter and God scare Ananias and his wife to death for not forking over all of the money that they made when selling their land. 5:1-10


  • Peter has a dream in which God show him "wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls." The voice (God's?) says, "Rise, Peter: kill and eat." 10:10-13


  • Peter describes the vision that he had in the last chapter (10:10-13). All kinds of beasts, creeping things, and fowls drop down from the sky in a big sheet, and a voice (God's, Satan's?) tells him to "Arise, Peter; slay and eat." 11:5-10


  • The "angel of the Lord" killed Herod by having him "eaten of worms" because "he gave not God the glory." 12:23


  • David was "a man after [God's] own heart." 13:22


  • The author of Acts talks about the "sure mercies of David." But David was anything but merciful. For an example of his behavior see 2 Sam 12:31 and 1 Chr 20:3, where he saws, hacks, and burns to death the inhabitants of several cities. 13:34


  • Paul and the Holy Ghost conspire together to make Elymas (the sorcerer) blind. 13:8-11



  • Homosexuals (those "without natural affection") and their supporters (those "that have pleasure in them") are "worthy of death" - - along with gossips, boasters, and disobedient children. 1:31-32


  • The guilty are "justified" and "saved from wrath" by the blood of an innocent victim. 5:9


  • God punishes everyone for someone else's sin; then he saves them by killing an innocent victim. 5:12


  • "If ... we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son", then God is truly a monster. 5:10

    1 Corinthians


  • If you defile the temple of God, God will destroy you.   3:17


  • Paul claims that God killed 23,000 in a plague for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab 10:8


  • If you tempt Christ (How could you tempt Christ?), you'll will die from snake bites. 10:9


  • If you murmur, you'll be destroyed by the destroyer (God). 10:10

    2 Corinthians


  • The terror of the Lord 5:11



  • If anyone dares to disagree with Paul on religious matters, "let him be accursed." 1:8-9



  • We are predestined by God to go to either heaven or hell. None of our thoughts, words, or actions can affect the final outcome. 1:4-5, 11


  • God had his son murdered to keep himself from hurting others for things they didn't do. 1:7


  • The bloody death of Jesus smelled good to God. 5:2


  • Those who refuse to obey will face the wrath of God. 5:6




  • God bought us with someone else's blood. 1:14


  • God makes peace through blood. 1:19-20

    1 Thessalonians


  • God is planning a messy, mass murder in "the wrath to come" and only Jesus can save you from it. 1:10


  • Christians shouldn't mourn the death of their fellow believers. They'll be OK and you'll see them later in heaven. The people you should mourn are dead nonbelievers. They have no hope (because they're going to hell). 4:13

    2 Thessalonians


  • Jesus will take "vengeance on them that know not God" by burning them forever "in flaming fire." 1:7-9


  • Jesus will "consume" the wicked "with the spirit of his mouth." 2:8


  • God will cause us to believe lies so that he can damn our souls to hell. 2:11-12

    1 Timothy

    2 Timothy





  • "That which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned."
    Apostates will burn in hell with the other non-believers. 6:8


  • "Melchisedec ... met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him."
    God showed his approval of "the slaughter of the kings" with Melchisedec's blessing of Abraham. (Genesis 14:17-18) 7:1


  • God will not forgive anyone unless something is killed for him in a bloody manner. 9:13-22


  • "A certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."
    God will soon destroy non-believers in a fiery hell. 10:27


  • Those who disobeyed the Old Testament law were killed without mercy. It will be much worse for those who displease Jesus. 10:28-29


  • "Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord." 10:30


  • "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." 10:31


  • "Abraham ... offered up Isaac ... his only begotten son." (And this was a good thing? How fucked up is that?) 11:17


  • The Israelites kept the passover and sprinkled blood on doorposts so that God wouldn't kill their firstborn children (like he did the Egyptians in Exodus 12:29). 11:28


  • God saved Rahab because she believed. (He killed all the non-believers in Jericho.) 11:31


  • "Time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets."
    The heroes of faith: Gideon, Samson, Jephthah, David, and Samuel. It would be hard to find a more monstrous group than these guys. 11:32


  • "Others were tortured ... that they might obtain a better resurrection." 11:35


  • God ordered animals to be "stoned, or thrust through with a dart" if they "so much as ... touch the mountain." 12:20


  • "Ye are come ... to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel." 12:22-24



  • James says Abraham was justified by works (for being willing to kill his son for God); Paul (Romans 4:2-3) says he was justified by faith (for believing that God would order him to do such an evil act). 2:21

    1 Peter


  • We are all, according to Peter, predestined to be saved or damned. We have no say in the matter. It was all determined by "the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ."1:2


  • "The precious blood of Christ ... was foreordained before the foundation of the world."
    God planned to kill Jesus from the get-go. 1:19-20


  • God drowned everyone on earth except for Noah and his family. 3:20

    2 Peter


  • God drowned everyone else on earth except for Noah and his family. 2:5, 3:6


  • "Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes" 2:6


  • God will set the entire earth on fire so that he can burn non-believers to death. 3:7


  • When Jesus returns, he'll burn up the whole earth and everything on it. 3:10

    1 John


  • Christians are washed in the blood of Jesus. 1:7

    2 John

    3 John



  • "The Lord destroyed them that believed not." 5


  • God sent "eternal fire" on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for "going after strange flesh." 7-8



  • Jesus "washed us ... with his own blood." 1:5


  • Everyone on earth will wail because of Jesus. 1:7


  • Jesus has "the keys of hell and death." 1:18


  • Repent -- or else Jesus will fight you with the sword that sticks out of his mouth. (Like the limbless knight in Monty Python's "Holy Grail.") 2:16


  • "I [Jesus] will kill her children with death." 2:23


  • "Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." God created parasites, pathogens, and predators for his very own pleasure. One of his favorite species is guinea worms. 4:11


  • "Thou art worthy ... for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood." 5:9


  • God gives someone on a white horse a bow and sends him out to conquer people. 6:2


  • God gave power to someone on a red horse "to take from the earth ... that they should kill one another." 6:4


  • God tells Death and Hell to kill one quarter of the earth's population with the sword, starvation, and "with the beasts of the earth." 6:8


  • The martyrs just can't wait until everyone else is slaughtered. God gives them a white robe and tells them to wait until he's done with his killing spree. 6:10-11


  • God tells his murderous angels to "hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of your God on their foreheads." This verse is one that Christians like to use to show God's loving concern for the environment. But the previous verse (7:2) makes it clear that it was their God-given job to "hurt the earth and the sea" just as soon as they finished their forehead marking job. 7:3


  • 144,000 Jews will be going to heaven; everyone else is going to hell. 7:4


  • Those that survive the great tribulation will get to wash their clothes in the blood of the lamb. 7:14


  • God sends his angels to destroy a third part of all the trees, grass, sea creature, mountains, sun, moon, starts, and water. 8:7-13


  • "Many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." 8:11


  • The angels are instructed not to "hurt the grass [how could they? He already had all the grass killed in 8:7] ... but only those men which have not the seal of God on their foreheads." God tells his angels not to kill them, but rather torment them with scorpions for five months. Those tormented will want to die, but God won't let them. 9:4-6


  • God makes some horse-like locusts with human heads, women's hair, lion's teeth, and scorpion's tails. They sting people and hurt them for five months. 9:7-10


  • Four angels, with an army of 200 million, killed a third of the earth's population. 9:15-19


  • Anyone that messes with God's two olive trees and two candlesticks (God's witnesses) will be burned to death by fire that comes out of their mouths. 11:3-5


  • God's witnesses have special powers. They can shut up heaven so that it cannot rain, turn rivers into blood, and smite the earth with plagues "as often as they will." 11:6


  • After God's witnesses "have finished their testimony," they are  killed in a war with a beast from a bottomless pit. 11:7


  • The bodies of God's witnesses will lie unburied for three and a half days. People will "rejoice over them and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another." After another three and half days God brings his witnesses back to life and they ascend into heaven. 11:8-12


  • When the witnesses ascend into heaven, an earthquake kills 7000 men. This was the second woe. "The third woe cometh quickly." 11:13-14


  • "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world"
    God planned to kill Jesus before he created the world. 13:8


  • Those who receive the mark of the beast will "drink of the wine of the wrath of God ... and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone ... and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever." 14:10-11


  • Jesus sits on a white cloud with a sharp sickle in his hand. When the angel tells him to reap, he kills all the people with his sickle. 14:14-18


  • "The great winepress of the wrath of God ... was trodden ... and the blood cam out of the winepress, even unto the horses bridles." 14:19-20


  • Seven angels with seven plagues are filled with the wrath of God. 15:1, 7


  • The seven vials of wrath: 1) sores, 2) sea turned to blood, 3) rivers turned to blood, 4) people scorched with fire, 5) people gnaw their tongues in pain, 6) Euphrates dries up, 7) thunder, lightning, earthquake, and hail. 16:1


  • "There fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast." 16:2


  • "The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea." 16:3


  • "The third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood." 16:4


  • God gave the saints and prophets blood to drink. 16:6


  • Another angel tells God how righteous he is because he gives saints blood to drink. 16:7


  • "Power was given unto him [the fourth angel] to scorch men with fire." 16:8


  • Those who were being burned to death by God didn't repent "to give him glory." 16:9


  • "The fifth angel poured out his vial ... and they gnawed their tongues for pain." 16:10


  • Even after being burned alive, those nasty people wouldn't repent! 16:11


  • Christians will fight in the war between Jesus and those allied with the beast. 17:14


  • "They shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire." (Are they going to eat her first and then burn her?) 17:16-17


  • To punish her God will send plagues and famine, and "she will be utterly burned with fire." 18:8


  • God will send plagues, death, and famine on Babylon, and the kings "who have committed fornication with her" will be sad to see her burn. 18:8-9


  • Jesus makes war. 19:11


  • Jesus' clothes are dipped in blood and his secret name ("that no man knew") is "The Word of God". (I bet you thought it was Jesus!) 19:13


  • With eyes aflame, many crowns on his head, clothes dripping with blood, a sword sticking out of his mouth, and a secret name, Jesus leads the faithful in heaven into holy war on earth. 19:14-15


  • "Come ... unto the supper of the great God." An angel calls all the fowls to feast upon the flesh of dead horses and human bodies, "both free and bond, both small and great." 19:17-18
  • The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into a lake of fire. The rest were killed with the sword of Jesus. "And all the fowls were filled with their flesh." 19:20-21


  • God will send fire from heaven to devour people. And the devil will be tormented "day and night for ever and ever." 20:9-10


  • Whoever isn't found listed in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. 20:15


  • All liars, as well as those who are fearful or unbelieving, will be cast into "the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." 21:8
  • Liker 1
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AnonymBruker skrev (2 minutter siden):

Adam og Eva fikk tre sønner. Hvordan gikk livet videre? 

Anonymkode: 405e5...9d2

De førte den jødiske slekten videre frem til Abraham, osv. Og så tilslutt kom Jesus :) 

AnonymBruker skrev (2 minutter siden):

Ikke hvis du legger sammen alle de andre som tror på noe helt annet.

Anonymkode: 8c841...094

Jo, kristendommen er størst i verden og den er også i vekst i mange land.

AnonymBruker skrev (1 minutt siden):

Hvorfor var du utro?

Anonymkode: d541f...ea3

Hæ? Jeg har aldri vært utro.

Høhf skrev (Akkurat nå):

Så når uskyldige barn dør av kreft og andre uhelbredelige sykdommer, så er det fordi vi er syndete? Han høres ondskapsfull ut spørr du meg. Ja vi har fri vilje, men siden vi ikke har kunnskapen til å lage en kur enda så skal han bare se på? 

Jeg vet rett og slett ikke hvorfor slike ting skjer, men jeg tror ikke det er Guds vilje.

Jeg tror djevelen også innvirker. Djevelen har kommet for å myrde, stjele og ødelegge. Og han vet at han har tapt (da Jesus overvant døden) og at han har lite tid igjen før han vil bli tillintetgjort, så han ror og ror for å få mennesker vekk fra Gud. Mye lidelse kommer rett og slett fra djevelen, tror jeg.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

  • Hjerte 1
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Anonymous33 skrev (2 minutter siden):

Hvor er teksten hvor Jesus opphev dette?


Her er noen kjipe ting fra det nye testamentet forresten:



  • Those who bear bad fruit will be cut down and burned "with unquenchable fire." 3:10, 12
  • Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. 5:17
  • Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. 5:29-30
  • Jesus says that most people will go to hell. 7:13-14
  • Those who fail to bear "good fruit" will be "hewn down, and cast into the fire." 7:19
  • "The children of the kingdom [the Jews] shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 8:12
  • Jesus tells a man who had just lost his father: "Let the dead bury the dead." 8:21
  • Jesus sends some devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the waters below. 8:32
  • Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks (see Gen 19:24). 10:14-15
  • Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death." 10:21
  • Jesus says that we should fear God who is willing and "able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 10:28
  • Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has "come not to send peace, but a sword." 10:34-36
  • Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn't care for his preaching. 11:20-24
  • Jesus will send his angels to gather up "all that offend" and they "shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." 13:41-42, 50
  • Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: "He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death." (See Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21) So, does Jesus think that children who curse their parents should be killed? It sure sounds like it. 15:4-7
  • "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." 15:13
  • Jesus advises his followers to mutilate themselves by cutting off their hands and plucking out their eyes. He says it's better to be "maimed" than to suffer "everlasting fire." 18:8-9
  • In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. The parable ends with this: "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you." If you are cruel to others, God will be cruel to you. 18:23-35
  • "And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors." 18:34
  • God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and rents the vineyard to others. 21:33-41
  • "Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Whoever falls on "this stone" (Jesus) will be broken, and whomever the stone falls on will be ground into powder. 21:44
  • In the parable of the marriage feast, the king sends his servants to gather everyone they can find, both bad and good, to come to the wedding feast. One guest didn't have on his wedding garment, so the king tied him up and "cast him into the outer darkness" where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 22:1-14
  • The end of the world will be signaled by wars, famines, disease, and earthquakes (6-7). And that's just "the beginning of sorrows" (8). Next believers will be hated and killed by unbelievers (9), believers will hate and betray each other (10), false prophets will fool people (11), iniquity will abound and love wax cold (12). But hey, if you make through all that, you'll be saved (13).

    Only one more thing will happen before the end comes: the gospel will be preached throughout the world (14). Well, that and the abomination of desolations will stand in the holy place (15), many false Christs and false prophets will show great signs and wonders (24), the sun and moon will be darkened and the stars will fall (29), the sign of the son of Man will appear in the sky, everyone on earth will mourn, and then, finally, the great and powerful son of Man will come in all his glory (30).

    Oh, and all these things will happen within the lifespan of Jesus' contemporaries (34).

    Or maybe not. Jesus was talking about things he knew nothing about (36). (See Mark 13:32.) 24:3-51

  • Jesus had no problem with the idea of drowning everyone on earth in the flood. It'll be just like that when he returns. 24:37
  • God will come when people least expect him and then he'll "cut them asunder." And "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 24:50-51
  • The parable of the cruel and unjust master
    The kingdom of heaven is like a rich man who distributed his wealth to his servants while he traveled. He gave five talents (a talent was a unit of money, worth about 20 years of a worker's wages) to one servant, two to another, and one to a third. When he returned, the servant with five talents had made five more, the servant with two made two more, but the servant with one talent only had the talent his master entrusted to him. The master rewarded the servants that invested his money (without his permission -- what would have happened if the stock market went down during their master's travels?) and took the talent from the single-talent servant and gave it to the one with ten talents. "For unto every one that hath shall be given .. but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." Then the cruel and unjust master cast the servant who carefully protected his master's talent into the "outer darkness: [where] there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 25:14-30
  • The servant who kept and returned his master's talent was cast into the "outer darkness" where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." 25:30
  • Jesus judges the nations. 25:31-46
  • Jesus tells us what he has planned for those that he dislikes. They will be cast into an "everlasting fire." 25:41
  • Jesus says the damned will be tormented forever. 25:46



  • Jesus explains why he speaks in parables: to confuse people so they will go to hell. 4:11-12


  • Jesus sends devils into 2000 pigs, causing them to jump off a cliff and be drowned in the sea. When the people hear about it, they beg Jesus to leave. 5:12-13


  • Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. 6:11


  • Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law. (See Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21) 7:9-10


  • Jesus tells us to cut off our hands and feet, and pluck out our eyes to avoid going to hell. 9:43-49


  • God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and gives the vineyard to others. 12:1-9


  • Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 14:22-24


  • Jesus says that those that believe and are baptized will be saved, while those who don't will be damned. 16:16



  • Zechariah asks the angel Gabriel how his wife Elizabeth could become pregnant, since she is "stricken with years." Gabriel makes him "dumb" just for asking. 1:20


  • Those who fail to bear "good fruit" will be "hewn down, and cast into the fire." 3:9


  • John the Baptist says that Christ will burn the damned "with fire unquenchable." 3:17


  • Jesus heals a naked man who was possessed by many devils by sending the devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the sea. This messy, cruel, and expensive (for the owners of the pigs) treatment did not favorably impress the local residents, and Jesus was asked to leave. 8:27-37


  • Jesus says that entire cities will be violently destroyed and the inhabitants "thrust down to hell" for not "receiving" his disciples. 10:10-15


  • Jesus says that we should fear God since he has the power to kill us and then torture us forever in hell. 12:5


  • Jesus says that God is like a slave-owner who beats his slaves "with many stripes." 12:46-47


  • "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." 13:3, 5


  • According to Jesus, only a few will be saved; the vast majority will suffer eternally in hell where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 13:23-30


  • In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man goes to hell, because as Abraham explains, he had a good life on earth and so now he will be tormented. Whereas Lazarus, who was miserable on earth, is now in heaven. This seems fair to Jesus. 16:19-31


  • Jesus believed the story of Noah's ark. He thought it really happened and had no problem with the idea of God drowning everything and everybody. 17:26-27


  • Jesus also believes the story about Sodom's destruction. He says, "even thus shall it be in the day the son of man is revealed ... Remember Lot's wife." This tells us about Jesus' knowledge of science and history, and his sense of justice. 17:29-32


  • In the parable of the talents, Jesus says that God takes what is not rightly his, and reaps what he didn't sow. The parable ends with the words: "bring them [those who preferred not to be ruled by him] hither, and slay them before me." 19:22-27


  • Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 22:19-20



  • Jesus believed the stupid and vicious story from Numbers 21. (God sent snakes to bite the people for complaining about the lack of food and water. Then God told Moses to make a brass snake to cure them from the bites.) 3:14


  • "God so loved the world, that he gave his His only begotten Son."
    As an example to parents everywhere and to save the world (from himself), God had his own son tortured and killed. 3:16


  • People are damned or saved depending only on what they believe. 3:18, 36


  • The "wrath of God" is on all unbelievers. 3:36


  • Jesus believes people are crippled by God as a punishment for sin. He tells a crippled man, after healing him, to "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." 5:14


  • Those who do not believe in Jesus will be cast into a fire to be burned. 15:6


  • Jesus says we must eat his flesh and drink his blood if we want to have eternal life. This idea was just too gross for "many of his disciples" and "walked no more with him." (They are called Protestants nowadays.) 6:53-66



  • Peter claims that Dt 18:18-19 refers to Jesus, saying that those who refuse to follow him (all non-Christians) must be killed. 3:23


  • Peter and God scare Ananias and his wife to death for not forking over all of the money that they made when selling their land. 5:1-10


  • Peter has a dream in which God show him "wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls." The voice (God's?) says, "Rise, Peter: kill and eat." 10:10-13


  • Peter describes the vision that he had in the last chapter (10:10-13). All kinds of beasts, creeping things, and fowls drop down from the sky in a big sheet, and a voice (God's, Satan's?) tells him to "Arise, Peter; slay and eat." 11:5-10


  • The "angel of the Lord" killed Herod by having him "eaten of worms" because "he gave not God the glory." 12:23


  • David was "a man after [God's] own heart." 13:22


  • The author of Acts talks about the "sure mercies of David." But David was anything but merciful. For an example of his behavior see 2 Sam 12:31 and 1 Chr 20:3, where he saws, hacks, and burns to death the inhabitants of several cities. 13:34


  • Paul and the Holy Ghost conspire together to make Elymas (the sorcerer) blind. 13:8-11



  • Homosexuals (those "without natural affection") and their supporters (those "that have pleasure in them") are "worthy of death" - - along with gossips, boasters, and disobedient children. 1:31-32


  • The guilty are "justified" and "saved from wrath" by the blood of an innocent victim. 5:9


  • God punishes everyone for someone else's sin; then he saves them by killing an innocent victim. 5:12


  • "If ... we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son", then God is truly a monster. 5:10

    1 Corinthians


  • If you defile the temple of God, God will destroy you.   3:17


  • Paul claims that God killed 23,000 in a plague for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab 10:8


  • If you tempt Christ (How could you tempt Christ?), you'll will die from snake bites. 10:9


  • If you murmur, you'll be destroyed by the destroyer (God). 10:10

    2 Corinthians


  • The terror of the Lord 5:11



  • If anyone dares to disagree with Paul on religious matters, "let him be accursed." 1:8-9



  • We are predestined by God to go to either heaven or hell. None of our thoughts, words, or actions can affect the final outcome. 1:4-5, 11


  • God had his son murdered to keep himself from hurting others for things they didn't do. 1:7


  • The bloody death of Jesus smelled good to God. 5:2


  • Those who refuse to obey will face the wrath of God. 5:6




  • God bought us with someone else's blood. 1:14


  • God makes peace through blood. 1:19-20

    1 Thessalonians


  • God is planning a messy, mass murder in "the wrath to come" and only Jesus can save you from it. 1:10


  • Christians shouldn't mourn the death of their fellow believers. They'll be OK and you'll see them later in heaven. The people you should mourn are dead nonbelievers. They have no hope (because they're going to hell). 4:13

    2 Thessalonians


  • Jesus will take "vengeance on them that know not God" by burning them forever "in flaming fire." 1:7-9


  • Jesus will "consume" the wicked "with the spirit of his mouth." 2:8


  • God will cause us to believe lies so that he can damn our souls to hell. 2:11-12

    1 Timothy

    2 Timothy





  • "That which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned."
    Apostates will burn in hell with the other non-believers. 6:8


  • "Melchisedec ... met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him."
    God showed his approval of "the slaughter of the kings" with Melchisedec's blessing of Abraham. (Genesis 14:17-18) 7:1


  • God will not forgive anyone unless something is killed for him in a bloody manner. 9:13-22


  • "A certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."
    God will soon destroy non-believers in a fiery hell. 10:27


  • Those who disobeyed the Old Testament law were killed without mercy. It will be much worse for those who displease Jesus. 10:28-29


  • "Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord." 10:30


  • "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." 10:31


  • "Abraham ... offered up Isaac ... his only begotten son." (And this was a good thing? How fucked up is that?) 11:17


  • The Israelites kept the passover and sprinkled blood on doorposts so that God wouldn't kill their firstborn children (like he did the Egyptians in Exodus 12:29). 11:28


  • God saved Rahab because she believed. (He killed all the non-believers in Jericho.) 11:31


  • "Time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets."
    The heroes of faith: Gideon, Samson, Jephthah, David, and Samuel. It would be hard to find a more monstrous group than these guys. 11:32


  • "Others were tortured ... that they might obtain a better resurrection." 11:35


  • God ordered animals to be "stoned, or thrust through with a dart" if they "so much as ... touch the mountain." 12:20


  • "Ye are come ... to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel." 12:22-24



  • James says Abraham was justified by works (for being willing to kill his son for God); Paul (Romans 4:2-3) says he was justified by faith (for believing that God would order him to do such an evil act). 2:21

    1 Peter


  • We are all, according to Peter, predestined to be saved or damned. We have no say in the matter. It was all determined by "the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ."1:2


  • "The precious blood of Christ ... was foreordained before the foundation of the world."
    God planned to kill Jesus from the get-go. 1:19-20


  • God drowned everyone on earth except for Noah and his family. 3:20

    2 Peter


  • God drowned everyone else on earth except for Noah and his family. 2:5, 3:6


  • "Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes" 2:6


  • God will set the entire earth on fire so that he can burn non-believers to death. 3:7


  • When Jesus returns, he'll burn up the whole earth and everything on it. 3:10

    1 John


  • Christians are washed in the blood of Jesus. 1:7

    2 John

    3 John



  • "The Lord destroyed them that believed not." 5


  • God sent "eternal fire" on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for "going after strange flesh." 7-8



  • Jesus "washed us ... with his own blood." 1:5


  • Everyone on earth will wail because of Jesus. 1:7


  • Jesus has "the keys of hell and death." 1:18


  • Repent -- or else Jesus will fight you with the sword that sticks out of his mouth. (Like the limbless knight in Monty Python's "Holy Grail.") 2:16


  • "I [Jesus] will kill her children with death." 2:23


  • "Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." God created parasites, pathogens, and predators for his very own pleasure. One of his favorite species is guinea worms. 4:11


  • "Thou art worthy ... for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood." 5:9


  • God gives someone on a white horse a bow and sends him out to conquer people. 6:2


  • God gave power to someone on a red horse "to take from the earth ... that they should kill one another." 6:4


  • God tells Death and Hell to kill one quarter of the earth's population with the sword, starvation, and "with the beasts of the earth." 6:8


  • The martyrs just can't wait until everyone else is slaughtered. God gives them a white robe and tells them to wait until he's done with his killing spree. 6:10-11


  • God tells his murderous angels to "hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of your God on their foreheads." This verse is one that Christians like to use to show God's loving concern for the environment. But the previous verse (7:2) makes it clear that it was their God-given job to "hurt the earth and the sea" just as soon as they finished their forehead marking job. 7:3


  • 144,000 Jews will be going to heaven; everyone else is going to hell. 7:4


  • Those that survive the great tribulation will get to wash their clothes in the blood of the lamb. 7:14


  • God sends his angels to destroy a third part of all the trees, grass, sea creature, mountains, sun, moon, starts, and water. 8:7-13


  • "Many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." 8:11


  • The angels are instructed not to "hurt the grass [how could they? He already had all the grass killed in 8:7] ... but only those men which have not the seal of God on their foreheads." God tells his angels not to kill them, but rather torment them with scorpions for five months. Those tormented will want to die, but God won't let them. 9:4-6


  • God makes some horse-like locusts with human heads, women's hair, lion's teeth, and scorpion's tails. They sting people and hurt them for five months. 9:7-10


  • Four angels, with an army of 200 million, killed a third of the earth's population. 9:15-19


  • Anyone that messes with God's two olive trees and two candlesticks (God's witnesses) will be burned to death by fire that comes out of their mouths. 11:3-5


  • God's witnesses have special powers. They can shut up heaven so that it cannot rain, turn rivers into blood, and smite the earth with plagues "as often as they will." 11:6


  • After God's witnesses "have finished their testimony," they are  killed in a war with a beast from a bottomless pit. 11:7


  • The bodies of God's witnesses will lie unburied for three and a half days. People will "rejoice over them and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another." After another three and half days God brings his witnesses back to life and they ascend into heaven. 11:8-12


  • When the witnesses ascend into heaven, an earthquake kills 7000 men. This was the second woe. "The third woe cometh quickly." 11:13-14


  • "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world"
    God planned to kill Jesus before he created the world. 13:8


  • Those who receive the mark of the beast will "drink of the wine of the wrath of God ... and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone ... and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever." 14:10-11


  • Jesus sits on a white cloud with a sharp sickle in his hand. When the angel tells him to reap, he kills all the people with his sickle. 14:14-18


  • "The great winepress of the wrath of God ... was trodden ... and the blood cam out of the winepress, even unto the horses bridles." 14:19-20


  • Seven angels with seven plagues are filled with the wrath of God. 15:1, 7


  • The seven vials of wrath: 1) sores, 2) sea turned to blood, 3) rivers turned to blood, 4) people scorched with fire, 5) people gnaw their tongues in pain, 6) Euphrates dries up, 7) thunder, lightning, earthquake, and hail. 16:1


  • "There fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast." 16:2


  • "The second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea." 16:3


  • "The third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood." 16:4


  • God gave the saints and prophets blood to drink. 16:6


  • Another angel tells God how righteous he is because he gives saints blood to drink. 16:7


  • "Power was given unto him [the fourth angel] to scorch men with fire." 16:8


  • Those who were being burned to death by God didn't repent "to give him glory." 16:9


  • "The fifth angel poured out his vial ... and they gnawed their tongues for pain." 16:10


  • Even after being burned alive, those nasty people wouldn't repent! 16:11


  • Christians will fight in the war between Jesus and those allied with the beast. 17:14


  • "They shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire." (Are they going to eat her first and then burn her?) 17:16-17


  • To punish her God will send plagues and famine, and "she will be utterly burned with fire." 18:8


  • God will send plagues, death, and famine on Babylon, and the kings "who have committed fornication with her" will be sad to see her burn. 18:8-9


  • Jesus makes war. 19:11


  • Jesus' clothes are dipped in blood and his secret name ("that no man knew") is "The Word of God". (I bet you thought it was Jesus!) 19:13


  • With eyes aflame, many crowns on his head, clothes dripping with blood, a sword sticking out of his mouth, and a secret name, Jesus leads the faithful in heaven into holy war on earth. 19:14-15


  • "Come ... unto the supper of the great God." An angel calls all the fowls to feast upon the flesh of dead horses and human bodies, "both free and bond, both small and great." 19:17-18
  • The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into a lake of fire. The rest were killed with the sword of Jesus. "And all the fowls were filled with their flesh." 19:20-21


  • God will send fire from heaven to devour people. And the devil will be tormented "day and night for ever and ever." 20:9-10


  • Whoever isn't found listed in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. 20:15


  • All liars, as well as those who are fearful or unbelieving, will be cast into "the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." 21:8

Du, jeg er ikke spesielt god i engelsk 😄 


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

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AnonymBruker skrev (7 minutter siden):

Den var litt søt :) 

Tenkte du på når mennesket dør og blir tatt opp til himmelen?

Mennesket dør. Som de sier i begravelsen "fra jord har du kommet, til jord skal du bli". Kroppen råtner, men sjelen går videre. I himmelen får vi alle en ny kropp.


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

Jeg tenker på det som står i trosbekjennelsen.

Jeg tror på Den hellige ånd,
en hellig, allmenn kirke,
de helliges samfunn,
syndenes forlatelse,
legemets oppstandelse 
og det evige liv.


Anonymkode: b102e...709

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AnonymBruker skrev (Akkurat nå):

Jeg tenker på det som står i trosbekjennelsen.

Jeg tror på Den hellige ånd,
en hellig, allmenn kirke,
de helliges samfunn,
syndenes forlatelse,
legemets oppstandelse 
og det evige liv.


Anonymkode: b102e...709

Det betyr at mennesker skal stå opp i fra de døde. Sjelen går videre mens vi får en ny kropp.



Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

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AnonymBruker skrev (1 minutt siden):

Du, jeg er ikke spesielt god i engelsk 😄 


Anonymkode: c409f...7b3

Ikke noe problem. Jeg har noe på norsk her.


"Tro ikke at jeg er kommet for å bringe fred på jorden. Jeg er ikke kommet for å bringe fred, men sverd.

Jeg er kommet for å sette skille:
Sønn står mot far,
datter mot mor,
svigerdatter mot svigermor

og en manns husfolk er hans fiender.

Den som elsker far eller mor mer enn meg, er meg ikke verdig. Den som elsker sønn eller datter mer enn meg, er meg ikke verdig. Og den som ikke tar sitt kors opp og følger etter meg, er meg ikke verdig. Den som finner sitt liv, skal miste det. Men den som mister sitt liv for min skyld, skal finne det."



Salmenes bok, 137:8-9

'Du datter Babel som er herjet,
salig er den som gjengjelder
det du gjorde mot oss.

Salig er den som griper dine barn
og knuser dem mot berget!'




Andre samuelsbok, 12:13-15

'Da sa David til Natan: «Jeg har syndet mot Herren.» Natan svarte: «Så har også Herren tatt bort din synd. Du skal ikke dø. Men fordi du gjorde dette og foraktet Herrens ord, skal han dø, sønnen du har fått.» Så gikk Natan hjem.'




Første samuelsbok 15:2-4

'Så sier Herren over hærskarene: Jeg krever amalekittene til regnskap for det de gjorde mot israelittene da de dro opp fra Egypt. De sperret veien for dem. Dra nå ut og slå amalekittene. Slå alt som tilhører dem, med bann. Spar ingen. Drep menn og kvinner, småbarn og spedbarn, okser og sauer, kameler og esler!» Saul kalte folket til våpen og mønstret dem i Tela'im. Det var to hundre tusen fotfolk foruten ti tusen judeere.'


Jeremia, 19:6-9

'Derfor, se, dager skal komme, sier Herren, da dette stedet ikke lenger skal kalles Tofet eller Ben-Hinnom-dalen, men Drapsdalen. Jeg slår i stykker Judas og Jerusalems planer på dette stedet. Jeg lar dem falle for fiendens sverd og i hendene på dem som står dem etter livet. Og jeg gir likene av dem til mat for fuglene under himmelen og dyrene på marken. Jeg legger denne byen øde og gjør den til spott. Alle som går forbi, skal grøsse og plystre hånlig over sårene den har fått. Jeg lar dem spise kjøttet av sine egne sønner og døtre. Den ene skal spise kjøttet av den andre. Slik trengsel og nød skal fiendene og de som står dem etter livet, føre over dem.'



Andre kongebok, 2:23-24

'Fra Jeriko dro profeten opp til Betel. Mens han var på veien, kom noen smågutter ut av byen. De gjorde narr av ham og ropte: «Kom deg vekk, din flintskalle! Kom deg vekk, din flintskalle!» Da han snudde seg og fikk se dem, forbannet han dem i Herrens navn. Og to bjørner kom ut av skogen og rev i hjel førtito av barna.'



Dommerne, 19:22-29

'Mens de satt og hygget seg, kom noen av mennene i byen, gudløse folk, og omringet huset. De dundret på døren og ropte til den gamle mannen som eide huset: «Send ut mannen som har tatt inn hos deg, så vi kan få vår vilje med ham!» Da gikk husherren ut til dem og sa: «Nei, brødre, gjør ikke noe ondt! Siden denne mannen har tatt inn i mitt hus, må dere ikke gjøre noe så skammelig. Se, her er min egen datter, som er jomfru, og mannens medhustru. Dem kan jeg sende ut, så kan dere ta dem og gjøre med dem som dere finner for godt. Dere må ikke gjøre noe så skammelig mot denne mannen.» Men mennene ville ikke høre på ham. Da tok mannen medhustruen sin og førte henne ut til dem utenfor. De lå med henne og forgrep seg på henne hele natten, helt til det ble morgen. De slapp henne ikke før det tok til å lysne.

Ved daggry kom kvinnen og sank ned foran døren til mannens hus, der hvor husbonden hennes var. Der ble hun liggende til det ble lyst. Om morgenen sto husbonden hennes opp og åpnet husdøren. Han gikk ut og ville dra sin vei. Og se, da lå medhustruen hans sammensunket foran inngangen til huset med hendene på dørstokken. Han sa til henne: «Reis deg, så vi kan komme av gårde!» Men det var ikke noe svar. Da løftet han henne opp på eselet. Så brøt han opp og dro til sitt eget hjemsted.
Da han kom hjem, fant han fram en kniv, grep medhustruen og skar kroppen hennes opp i tolv stykker. Dem sendte han ut i hele Israels landområde.'



5. mosebok, 21:18-21

'Det kan hende at en mann har en trassig og opprørsk sønn som ikke vil høre på sin far og mor og ikke adlyder dem, selv om de straffer ham. Da skal faren og moren ta ham og føre ham til de eldste i byen, til byporten,  og si til de eldste i byen: «Denne sønnen vår er trassig og opprørsk og vil ikke høre på det vi sier. Han er en fråtser og en dranker!» Da skal alle mennene i byen steine ham i hjel. Du skal utrydde det onde hos deg.'



Dommerne 11:30-39

'Jefta avla et løfte til Herren og sa: «Gir du ammonittene i mine hender, skal den første som kommer ut gjennom døren i mitt hus og møter meg når jeg vender velberget tilbake fra krigen mot ammonittene, høre Herren til. Jeg skal bære ham fram som brennoffer.»

Så dro Jefta ut for å kjempe mot ammonittene, og Herren ga dem over i hans hender. Han slo dem og tok landet fra Aroer og bortover mot Minnit, med tjue byer, og området helt til Abel-Keramim. Det ble et stort mannefall, og ammonittene måtte bøye seg under israelittene.

 Da Jefta kom hjem til huset sitt i Mispa, kom datteren hans ut imot ham med håndtrommer og dans. Hun var det eneste barnet hans, han hadde ingen sønn eller datter utenom henne. Da han fikk se henne, flerret han klærne sine og ropte: «Å, min datter, for en sorg du volder meg, for en ulykke du bringer! Jeg har gitt Herren et løfte, og jeg kan ikke ta det tilbake.» Da sa hun til ham: «Far, har du gitt Herren et løfte, så gjør med meg som du har sagt, siden Herren har latt deg få hevn over dine fiender, ammonittene. Men en ting vil jeg gjerne at du gir meg lov til», sa hun. «La meg få være fri i to måneder, så jeg og venninnene mine kan gå omkring på fjellene og gråte over at jeg må dø som jomfru.» «Gå du!» svarte han, og han lot henne være borte i to måneder. Så gikk hun omkring på fjellene sammen med venninnene og gråt over jomfrudommen sin.

Da de to månedene var omme, kom hun tilbake til faren, og han gjorde med henne som han hadde lovet.'



Peters første brev, 2:18-20

'Dere tjenestefolk [slaver] skal med ærefrykt underordne dere herrene deres – ikke bare de gode og vennlige, men også de vrange. For det er godt om noen finner seg i uforskyldte lidelser fordi samvittigheten er bundet til Gud. Om dere holder ut å bli straffet når dere har gjort noe galt, er det noe å rose dere for? Men om dere holder ut i lidelser når dere gjør det rette, da er det godt i Guds øyne.'


Paulus' brev til efeserne, 6:5

'Dere slaver, vær lydige mot deres jordiske herrer som mot Kristus selv, med respekt og ærefrykt og av et oppriktig hjerte.'



En kan kanskje få troen om at slaver skulle gjøre som de fikk beskjed om, men det gjaldt ikke da Farao ikke ville la isralittene forlate Egypt.

I andre mosebok kan vi lese «dere [skal] skjønne at Herren gjør forskjell på egypterne og israelittene» - noe som er selve definisjonen på diskriminering og rasisme.

Etter først å ha forpestet Nilen med blod, sørget for svermer av mygg, fluer og frosker, drepte Gud all buskapen til Egypterne.

Deretter var det full runde med verkebyller med blemmer, før hagel ødela alle avlinger. Restene ble spist opp av gresshopper, før det ble mørkt i tre dager.

Da skulle en kanskje tro at Gud hadde straffe Egypt nok for handlingene til farao.

Men nei da:

Andre mosebok, 11:4-6

'Moses sa: «Så sier Herren: Ved midnattstid vil jeg gå gjennom Egypt. Da skal alle førstefødte i Egypt dø, fra den førstefødte hos farao som sitter på sin trone, til den førstefødte hos slavekvinnen som står bak kvernen, og alle førstefødte dyr i buskapen. I hele Egypt skal det lyde et skrik så høyt at det aldri har vært maken til det før og heller ikke skal bli det siden.'


Etter de ti landeplager, skulle en tro at Gud ville sørge for at ikke alt var forgjeves, men nei: «Men Herren gjorde faraos hjerte ubøyelig, og han lot ikke israelittene dra ut av landet.»



5. mosebok, 28:28-37

'Herren skal slå deg med vanvidd, blindhet og sinnsforvirring. Midt på dagen skal du famle deg fram som den blinde famler i mørke.
Du skal ikke lykkes på din vei. Du blir undertrykt og utplyndret dag etter dag, og det er ingen som hjelper. Binder du deg til en kvinne, skal en annen mann voldta henne. Bygger du et hus, får du ikke bo i det. Planter du en vinmark, får du ikke ta den i bruk. Oksen din skal slaktes mens du ser på, og du får ikke spise kjøttet. Eselet ditt skal røves rett for øynene på deg og kommer aldri tilbake til deg. Småfeet ditt skal fiendene få, og det er ingen som hjelper deg. Sønnene og døtrene dine skal overgis til et fremmed folk. Du skal se og lengte etter dem hele tiden, men forgjeves, for du er maktesløs. Et folk du ikke kjenner, skal ete opp grøden av jorden din og det du har vunnet med alt ditt strev. Du blir undertrykt og tråkket på, dag etter dag. Du skal bli gal av det synet du får se. Herren skal slå deg på knærne og på lårene med ondartede verkebyller som ikke kan helbredes; de skal bre seg fra hode til hæl.

Herren skal føre deg og den kongen du setter over deg, bort til et folkeslag som verken du eller dine fedre har kjent, og der skal du dyrke andre guder, stokk og stein. Du skal bli et skremsel, et ordtak og et spottord blant alle de folk som Herren fører deg bort til.'



Guds bud til menneskene er i stor grad universelt ansett som gode leveregler, men det er bare hvis man ikke leser det som faktisk står i Biblen.

Det tredje bud er nemlig et av de mer skremmende budene. Der slås det fast at du skal straffes for din tippoldefars synder.

Andre Mosebok, 20:4-5:

'Du skal ikke lage deg gudebilder, ingen etterligning av noe som er oppe i himmelen eller nede på jorden eller i vannet under jorden. 5 Du skal ikke tilbe dem og ikke la deg lokke til å dyrke dem! For jeg, Herren din Gud, er en nidkjær Gud som straffer barn i tredje og fjerde ledd for fedrenes synd når de hater meg.'



Tredje mosebok, 27:3-6

'En mann som er mellom tjue og seksti år, skal ha en verdi på femti sjekel sølv etter helligdommens vekt. Er det en kvinne, skal hun ha en verdi på tretti sjekel. Er det et menneske som er mellom fem og tjue år, skal verdien av en gutt være tjue sjekel og av en jente ti sjekel. Er det et barn mellom en måned og fem år, skal verdien av en gutt være fem sjekel sølv og av en jente tre sjekel sølv.'



Femte mosebok, 25:11-12

'Det kan hende at en mann og hans landsmann kommer i slagsmål. Kona til den ene kommer til for å redde mannen sin fra den som slår. Hun rekker hånden ut og griper ham i kjønnsdelene. Da skal du hugge hånden av henne. Vis ingen medfølelse.'



Femte mosebok, 22:20-21

Men dersom beskyldningen er sann, hvis det ikke finnes tegn på at jenta var jomfru, da skal de føre henne ut foran døren til farens hus, og mennene i byen skal steine henne i hjel.

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AnonymBruker skrev (6 minutter siden):

Adam og Eva fikk tre sønner. Hvordan gikk livet videre? 

Anonymkode: 405e5...9d2

Hvordan fikk disse tre guttene barn? Hvem fikk de barn med, hvor kom disse de fikk fra? 

Anonymkode: 8c841...094

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Hva er ditt/deres syn på abort og hva tenker dere om de konservative kristnes oppførsel i enkelte stater i USA? Der de står utenfor abortklinikker og dømmer kvinner for deres valg. Selv om fosteret ikke en gang var levedyktig eller t.o.m der kvinnen ble voldtatt?

Bra tråd btw.

Anonymkode: 4809a...416

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Tenker du av og til på at du er kristen nettopp fordi du er født og oppvokst  den tid og på en plass du er? Hvis du var født i Pakistan eller i en annen tid ville du antageligvis hatt en annen religion som du trodde like mye på. 

Anonymkode: 402aa...dd5

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Anonymous33 skrev (1 minutt siden):

Ikke noe problem. Jeg har noe på norsk her.


"Tro ikke at jeg er kommet for å bringe fred på jorden. Jeg er ikke kommet for å bringe fred, men sverd.

Jeg er kommet for å sette skille:
Sønn står mot far,
datter mot mor,
svigerdatter mot svigermor

og en manns husfolk er hans fiender.

Den som elsker far eller mor mer enn meg, er meg ikke verdig. Den som elsker sønn eller datter mer enn meg, er meg ikke verdig. Og den som ikke tar sitt kors opp og følger etter meg, er meg ikke verdig. Den som finner sitt liv, skal miste det. Men den som mister sitt liv for min skyld, skal finne det."



Salmenes bok, 137:8-9

'Du datter Babel som er herjet,
salig er den som gjengjelder
det du gjorde mot oss.

Salig er den som griper dine barn
og knuser dem mot berget!'




Andre samuelsbok, 12:13-15

'Da sa David til Natan: «Jeg har syndet mot Herren.» Natan svarte: «Så har også Herren tatt bort din synd. Du skal ikke dø. Men fordi du gjorde dette og foraktet Herrens ord, skal han dø, sønnen du har fått.» Så gikk Natan hjem.'




Første samuelsbok 15:2-4

'Så sier Herren over hærskarene: Jeg krever amalekittene til regnskap for det de gjorde mot israelittene da de dro opp fra Egypt. De sperret veien for dem. Dra nå ut og slå amalekittene. Slå alt som tilhører dem, med bann. Spar ingen. Drep menn og kvinner, småbarn og spedbarn, okser og sauer, kameler og esler!» Saul kalte folket til våpen og mønstret dem i Tela'im. Det var to hundre tusen fotfolk foruten ti tusen judeere.'


Jeremia, 19:6-9

'Derfor, se, dager skal komme, sier Herren, da dette stedet ikke lenger skal kalles Tofet eller Ben-Hinnom-dalen, men Drapsdalen. Jeg slår i stykker Judas og Jerusalems planer på dette stedet. Jeg lar dem falle for fiendens sverd og i hendene på dem som står dem etter livet. Og jeg gir likene av dem til mat for fuglene under himmelen og dyrene på marken. Jeg legger denne byen øde og gjør den til spott. Alle som går forbi, skal grøsse og plystre hånlig over sårene den har fått. Jeg lar dem spise kjøttet av sine egne sønner og døtre. Den ene skal spise kjøttet av den andre. Slik trengsel og nød skal fiendene og de som står dem etter livet, føre over dem.'



Andre kongebok, 2:23-24

'Fra Jeriko dro profeten opp til Betel. Mens han var på veien, kom noen smågutter ut av byen. De gjorde narr av ham og ropte: «Kom deg vekk, din flintskalle! Kom deg vekk, din flintskalle!» Da han snudde seg og fikk se dem, forbannet han dem i Herrens navn. Og to bjørner kom ut av skogen og rev i hjel førtito av barna.'



Dommerne, 19:22-29

'Mens de satt og hygget seg, kom noen av mennene i byen, gudløse folk, og omringet huset. De dundret på døren og ropte til den gamle mannen som eide huset: «Send ut mannen som har tatt inn hos deg, så vi kan få vår vilje med ham!» Da gikk husherren ut til dem og sa: «Nei, brødre, gjør ikke noe ondt! Siden denne mannen har tatt inn i mitt hus, må dere ikke gjøre noe så skammelig. Se, her er min egen datter, som er jomfru, og mannens medhustru. Dem kan jeg sende ut, så kan dere ta dem og gjøre med dem som dere finner for godt. Dere må ikke gjøre noe så skammelig mot denne mannen.» Men mennene ville ikke høre på ham. Da tok mannen medhustruen sin og førte henne ut til dem utenfor. De lå med henne og forgrep seg på henne hele natten, helt til det ble morgen. De slapp henne ikke før det tok til å lysne.

Ved daggry kom kvinnen og sank ned foran døren til mannens hus, der hvor husbonden hennes var. Der ble hun liggende til det ble lyst. Om morgenen sto husbonden hennes opp og åpnet husdøren. Han gikk ut og ville dra sin vei. Og se, da lå medhustruen hans sammensunket foran inngangen til huset med hendene på dørstokken. Han sa til henne: «Reis deg, så vi kan komme av gårde!» Men det var ikke noe svar. Da løftet han henne opp på eselet. Så brøt han opp og dro til sitt eget hjemsted.
Da han kom hjem, fant han fram en kniv, grep medhustruen og skar kroppen hennes opp i tolv stykker. Dem sendte han ut i hele Israels landområde.'



5. mosebok, 21:18-21

'Det kan hende at en mann har en trassig og opprørsk sønn som ikke vil høre på sin far og mor og ikke adlyder dem, selv om de straffer ham. Da skal faren og moren ta ham og føre ham til de eldste i byen, til byporten,  og si til de eldste i byen: «Denne sønnen vår er trassig og opprørsk og vil ikke høre på det vi sier. Han er en fråtser og en dranker!» Da skal alle mennene i byen steine ham i hjel. Du skal utrydde det onde hos deg.'



Dommerne 11:30-39

'Jefta avla et løfte til Herren og sa: «Gir du ammonittene i mine hender, skal den første som kommer ut gjennom døren i mitt hus og møter meg når jeg vender velberget tilbake fra krigen mot ammonittene, høre Herren til. Jeg skal bære ham fram som brennoffer.»

Så dro Jefta ut for å kjempe mot ammonittene, og Herren ga dem over i hans hender. Han slo dem og tok landet fra Aroer og bortover mot Minnit, med tjue byer, og området helt til Abel-Keramim. Det ble et stort mannefall, og ammonittene måtte bøye seg under israelittene.

 Da Jefta kom hjem til huset sitt i Mispa, kom datteren hans ut imot ham med håndtrommer og dans. Hun var det eneste barnet hans, han hadde ingen sønn eller datter utenom henne. Da han fikk se henne, flerret han klærne sine og ropte: «Å, min datter, for en sorg du volder meg, for en ulykke du bringer! Jeg har gitt Herren et løfte, og jeg kan ikke ta det tilbake.» Da sa hun til ham: «Far, har du gitt Herren et løfte, så gjør med meg som du har sagt, siden Herren har latt deg få hevn over dine fiender, ammonittene. Men en ting vil jeg gjerne at du gir meg lov til», sa hun. «La meg få være fri i to måneder, så jeg og venninnene mine kan gå omkring på fjellene og gråte over at jeg må dø som jomfru.» «Gå du!» svarte han, og han lot henne være borte i to måneder. Så gikk hun omkring på fjellene sammen med venninnene og gråt over jomfrudommen sin.

Da de to månedene var omme, kom hun tilbake til faren, og han gjorde med henne som han hadde lovet.'



Peters første brev, 2:18-20

'Dere tjenestefolk [slaver] skal med ærefrykt underordne dere herrene deres – ikke bare de gode og vennlige, men også de vrange. For det er godt om noen finner seg i uforskyldte lidelser fordi samvittigheten er bundet til Gud. Om dere holder ut å bli straffet når dere har gjort noe galt, er det noe å rose dere for? Men om dere holder ut i lidelser når dere gjør det rette, da er det godt i Guds øyne.'


Paulus' brev til efeserne, 6:5

'Dere slaver, vær lydige mot deres jordiske herrer som mot Kristus selv, med respekt og ærefrykt og av et oppriktig hjerte.'



En kan kanskje få troen om at slaver skulle gjøre som de fikk beskjed om, men det gjaldt ikke da Farao ikke ville la isralittene forlate Egypt.

I andre mosebok kan vi lese «dere [skal] skjønne at Herren gjør forskjell på egypterne og israelittene» - noe som er selve definisjonen på diskriminering og rasisme.

Etter først å ha forpestet Nilen med blod, sørget for svermer av mygg, fluer og frosker, drepte Gud all buskapen til Egypterne.

Deretter var det full runde med verkebyller med blemmer, før hagel ødela alle avlinger. Restene ble spist opp av gresshopper, før det ble mørkt i tre dager.

Da skulle en kanskje tro at Gud hadde straffe Egypt nok for handlingene til farao.

Men nei da:

Andre mosebok, 11:4-6

'Moses sa: «Så sier Herren: Ved midnattstid vil jeg gå gjennom Egypt. Da skal alle førstefødte i Egypt dø, fra den førstefødte hos farao som sitter på sin trone, til den førstefødte hos slavekvinnen som står bak kvernen, og alle førstefødte dyr i buskapen. I hele Egypt skal det lyde et skrik så høyt at det aldri har vært maken til det før og heller ikke skal bli det siden.'


Etter de ti landeplager, skulle en tro at Gud ville sørge for at ikke alt var forgjeves, men nei: «Men Herren gjorde faraos hjerte ubøyelig, og han lot ikke israelittene dra ut av landet.»



5. mosebok, 28:28-37

'Herren skal slå deg med vanvidd, blindhet og sinnsforvirring. Midt på dagen skal du famle deg fram som den blinde famler i mørke.
Du skal ikke lykkes på din vei. Du blir undertrykt og utplyndret dag etter dag, og det er ingen som hjelper. Binder du deg til en kvinne, skal en annen mann voldta henne. Bygger du et hus, får du ikke bo i det. Planter du en vinmark, får du ikke ta den i bruk. Oksen din skal slaktes mens du ser på, og du får ikke spise kjøttet. Eselet ditt skal røves rett for øynene på deg og kommer aldri tilbake til deg. Småfeet ditt skal fiendene få, og det er ingen som hjelper deg. Sønnene og døtrene dine skal overgis til et fremmed folk. Du skal se og lengte etter dem hele tiden, men forgjeves, for du er maktesløs. Et folk du ikke kjenner, skal ete opp grøden av jorden din og det du har vunnet med alt ditt strev. Du blir undertrykt og tråkket på, dag etter dag. Du skal bli gal av det synet du får se. Herren skal slå deg på knærne og på lårene med ondartede verkebyller som ikke kan helbredes; de skal bre seg fra hode til hæl.

Herren skal føre deg og den kongen du setter over deg, bort til et folkeslag som verken du eller dine fedre har kjent, og der skal du dyrke andre guder, stokk og stein. Du skal bli et skremsel, et ordtak og et spottord blant alle de folk som Herren fører deg bort til.'



Guds bud til menneskene er i stor grad universelt ansett som gode leveregler, men det er bare hvis man ikke leser det som faktisk står i Biblen.

Det tredje bud er nemlig et av de mer skremmende budene. Der slås det fast at du skal straffes for din tippoldefars synder.

Andre Mosebok, 20:4-5:

'Du skal ikke lage deg gudebilder, ingen etterligning av noe som er oppe i himmelen eller nede på jorden eller i vannet under jorden. 5 Du skal ikke tilbe dem og ikke la deg lokke til å dyrke dem! For jeg, Herren din Gud, er en nidkjær Gud som straffer barn i tredje og fjerde ledd for fedrenes synd når de hater meg.'



Tredje mosebok, 27:3-6

'En mann som er mellom tjue og seksti år, skal ha en verdi på femti sjekel sølv etter helligdommens vekt. Er det en kvinne, skal hun ha en verdi på tretti sjekel. Er det et menneske som er mellom fem og tjue år, skal verdien av en gutt være tjue sjekel og av en jente ti sjekel. Er det et barn mellom en måned og fem år, skal verdien av en gutt være fem sjekel sølv og av en jente tre sjekel sølv.'



Femte mosebok, 25:11-12

'Det kan hende at en mann og hans landsmann kommer i slagsmål. Kona til den ene kommer til for å redde mannen sin fra den som slår. Hun rekker hånden ut og griper ham i kjønnsdelene. Da skal du hugge hånden av henne. Vis ingen medfølelse.'



Femte mosebok, 22:20-21

Men dersom beskyldningen er sann, hvis det ikke finnes tegn på at jenta var jomfru, da skal de føre henne ut foran døren til farens hus, og mennene i byen skal steine henne i hjel.

Det meste av dette er fra gamle testamentet, foruten om det som står av Paulus og i Peters brev. I mosebøkene står det, som sagt mye grotesk, men det er opphevet. 


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