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Reise til England

Ella Grisella

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Vi reiser snart til England, og jeg er litt forvirret ang innreisereglene der borte. Er det noen her som har reist, eller skal reise dit?

jeg forstår det som at det norske koronapasset er gyldig, og at vi må fylle ut en location form før man reiser. I tillegg må man teste seg dag -2 og dag 2. men er det da ok med hjemmetest, og hvordan dokumenterer man testingen?


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If you are fully vaccinated

This is what you need to do if you qualify under the fully vaccinated rules for travel to England.

Before you travel to England – fully vaccinated

Before you travel to England you must:

You will need to enter your COVID-19 test booking reference number on your passenger locator form.

When you arrive in England – fully vaccinated

After you arrive in England you must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2.

You must book this test before you travel.

If you will be in England for less than 2 days you still need to book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test. You only need to take the test if you are still in England on day 2.

Check if you qualify as fully vaccinated

Fully vaccinated means that you have had a complete course of an approved vaccine at least 14 days before you arrive in England. The day you had your final dose does not count as one of the 14 days.

The vaccine must be administered under either:

  • the UK vaccination programme
  • an overseas vaccination programme with an approved proof of vaccination for travel to the UK

Du må booke en time i England, registrert med passinformasjonen din.


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