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Gjest Badebuksa

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What is Chocolate?

Chocolate is a solid mixture. In its basic form it is composed of cacao powder, cocoa butter, and some type of sweetener such as sugar; however, modern chocolate includes milk solids, any added flavors, modifiers, and preservatives.

Cacao is the plant matter which lends the unique tast and bitterness to chocolate. The chocolate mixture is made of aggregations of micro particles of cacao and sugar, and globules of cocoa butter fat milk solids.

The word "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl word Xocolatl for "bitter water", referring to its original incarnation as a hot, spiced beverage in the Mayan and Aztec traditions.

What's in Typical Chocolate?

10-20% Cacao

8-16% Milk Solids

32-60% Sugar

10-20% Cocoa Butter

1.2% Theobromine and Polyphenols

How is Chocolate Made?

Harvest: Cut and crack open pods for beans

Ferment: Let micro-organisms and heat kill bean and develop flavor

Dry and Ship: Sun dry beans to preserve them for travel to chocolate-making factories

Clean: Remove dirt, sand, and debris

Winnow: Remove bean shell from cotyledon (nib), saving the flavorful nib

Roast: Heat the nib to develop its flavor

Grind and Mill: Release cocoa butter fat and generate coarse particles of cacao from the nib

Mix: Combine cacao, cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavors

Conch: Slowly mix ingredients under heat while continuously grinding to make a smooth texture

Temper: Crystallize the cocoa butter to form a solid that is easy to snap and melts in the mouth

Form: Pour and cast chocolates

Where Does Chocolate Come From?

Cacao comes from the Cacao Tree, Theobroma Cacao, a member of the evergreen family Sterculiaceae The word "theobroma" literally means "food of the gods", indicating chocolate's exalted status in both ancient and modern tastes!

Cacao trees grow in tropical climates with a high degree of moisture. There are three major varieties: Criollo, Forestero, and Trinitario. Criollo trees yield mild, complex chocolate but are less hardy and more rare. Forestero makes up the majority of modern chocolate product, and Trinitario is a hybrid originally from Trinidad that is used as a supplement to Forestero.

Cacao is made from the cotyledons ("seed leaves", the nibs) of the beans. The beans are found in cacao pods (called cherelles). Every cacao bean is genetically unique!

Cacao pods are usually 200 to 250 g and contain 30-45 beans, They are usually harvested by hand to avoid damage to the beans.

Cocao Butter Chemistry

Fats and oils are organic molecules made up of three fatty acids chemically linked by an ester bond to glycerol. Fats are solid at room termperature, while oils are iquid.

Cocoa butter fats are made up predominantly by three major fatty acid molecules: Palmitic Acide, Stearic acid, and Oleic acid.

Oleic acid is unsaturated (has a double bond on its carbon chain), making it kinked and unable to pack well with other molecules. Because of this, a greater portion of oleic acid in the fat results in a lower melting temperature for the cocoa butter.

Chocolate makers can adjust the amounts of each fatty acid to produce a chocolate that melts only in the mouth, giving it a superior quality.

Tempering Chocolate

The cocoa butter in chocolate can have several diferent crystal structures (three dimensional patterns in which the fat molecules pack).

There are six known chocolate crystal forms or polymorphs. You can obtain each form by varying the fatty acid ratios and the temperature at which the chocolate is tempered (cooled).

Only a few of the polymorphs are considered good for gourmet chocolate because they give the right blend of snap (when you bite into the chocolate) and melting (when it warms up in your mouth). Melting is especially important because it controls how well the chocolate disperses and releases flavor onto your tongue.

Polymorph Melting Temperature Properties

I 17°C Soft, crumbly, melts too easily.

II 21°C Soft, crumbly, melts too easily.

III 26°C Firm, good snap, melts too easily.

IV 28°C Firm, good snap, melts too easily.

V 34°C Glossy, firm, best snap, melts near body temperature.

VI 36°C Hard, takes weeks to form.

Sources consulted: Food Chemistry by Belitz, Grosh, and Schieberle, The Science of Chocolate by Beckett, and Wikipedia

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Fortsetter mat-tanken.

Potetmel og kald ris – Nøkkelen til bedre tarmhelse, lavere blodsukker og vektnedgang? Resistent stivelse er stivelse som passerer gjennom fordøyelseskanalen uten at det forandres på noen måter – det er altså resistent mot fordøyelse. Det fungerer som en type løselig fiber.

Dette var nytt for meg.


Hele artikkelen

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Tegneseriefiguren Donald Duck ble en gang forbudt i Finland, fordi den kjente anden aldri hadde på seg noen bukser..  :fnise:

Anonymous poster hash: a3dd5...cd8
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Da må en bare prøve seg.

The word "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl word Xocolatl for "bitter water", referring to its original incarnation as a hot, spiced beverage in the Mayan and Aztec traditions.

Cacao comes from the Cacao Tree, Theobroma Cacao. The word "theobroma" literally means "food of the gods", indicating chocolate's exalted status in both ancient and modern tastes!

There are three major varieties: Criollo, Forestero, and Trinitario. Criollo trees yield mild, complex chocolate but are less hardy and more rare. Forestero makes up the majority of modern chocolate product, and Trinitario is a hybrid originally from Trinidad that is used as a supplement to Forestero.

Every cacao bean is genetically unique!

Cocao Butter Chemistry

Fats and oils are organic molecules made up of three fatty acids chemically linked by an ester bond to glycerol. Fats are solid at room termperature, while oils are liquid.

Cocoa butter fats are made up predominantly by three major fatty acid molecules: Palmitic Acide, Stearic acid, and Oleic acid.

Oleic acid is unsaturated (has a double bond on its carbon chain), making it kinked and unable to pack well with other molecules. Because of this, a greater portion of oleic acid in the fat results in a lower melting temperature for the cocoa butter.

Chocolate makers can adjust the amounts of each fatty acid to produce a chocolate that melts only in the mouth, giving it a superior quality.

The cocoa butter in chocolate can have several diferent crystal structures (three dimensional patterns in which the fat molecules pack).

There are six known chocolate crystal forms or polymorphs. You can obtain each form by varying the fatty acid ratios and the temperature at which the chocolate is tempered (cooled).

Only a few of the polymorphs are considered good for gourmet chocolate because they give the right blend of snap (when you bite into the chocolate) and melting (when it warms up in your mouth). Melting is especially important because it controls how well the chocolate disperses and releases flavor onto your tongue.

Polymorph Melting Temperature Properties

V 34°C Glossy, firm, best snap, melts near body temperature.

Sources consulted: Food Chemistry by Belitz, Grosh, and Schieberle, The Science of Chocolate by Beckett, and Wikipedia


Endelig fikk jeg ro til å nyte dette innlegget. Jeg har kopiert det jeg fant mest lærerikt, og uthevet det jeg likte best. Sjokolade er anvendt kjemi :rodmer:


En av de første jobbene jeg søkte på (men ikke fikk) var på laben hos Nidar Bergene :sjokolade:

Endret av Zenobia
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Hyggelig å se deg, Peanut :hoppe:


Jeg fikk bare "page not found" og tilbud om å bli omdirigert til Huffington :vetikke:


Fungerte da jeg la den inn, men fungerte ikke etterpå. :sjenert: Ok, det var en gruppe mødre i statene som mente at Kermit the Frog omtrent var en skam fordi han ikke hadde bukser på seg... :blink:

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Fungerte da jeg la den inn, men fungerte ikke etterpå. :sjenert: Ok, det var en gruppe mødre i statene som mente at Kermit the Frog omtrent var en skam fordi han ikke hadde bukser på seg... :blink:




De har jo virkelig tatt poenget. INGEN dyr har klær på!! :bond:

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Fin tråd :)


Men det blir nok en vanlig chatte tråd som den andre tråden :P


Ser ut som den holder stand inntil videre :fnise:


- - -



Pr. august 2012 var omkring 175 land blitt enige om å treffe tiltak for å bremse bruken av tobakk (informere om farer, innføre restriksjoner på markedsføringen, avgifter, stump røyken-støtte).


En som røyker én sigarettpakke om dagen, inhalerer omkring 200 doser nikotin. Det at man får i seg så mange doser, gjør nikotin mer avhengighetsskapende enn noe annet.


Hvert år bruker tobakksindustrien milliarder av dollar på reklame for å få nye kunder, spesielt blant kvinner og ungdommer i utviklingslandene.

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TV-predikanten Jerry Falwell,mente at Tinky Winky i Teletubbies var et skjult symbol på homofili fordi han bar «homofile symbol» – han var lilla og hadde en lilla trekant på hodet.

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Gjest Sunflower-Delight

Fin ny tråd Zenobia. Noe jeg tenkte på også tidligere. :) Skal sjekke innpå her og skrive mer seinere.

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Fin ny tråd Zenobia. Noe jeg tenkte på også tidligere. :) Skal sjekke innpå her og skrive mer seinere.


Gleder meg :)


Ingen zebraer har like striper.


Hey! Det var interessant :enig:

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Myndighetene på Haiti sier at over 300 000 mennesker mistet livet i det ødeleggende jordskjelvet der i januar 2010.

(Jeg innbilte meg at det var langt færre omkomne der, enn i Thailand-tsunamien)

- - -





På denne dag i 1969 ble den første episoden av Monty Python Flying Circus vist.


Og verden har ikke vært den samme siden :P

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 På denne dagen i 1973 begynte Yom kippur-krigen.
 På denne dagen i 1981 ble Egypts  president Anwar as-Sadat myrdet.

Anonymous poster hash: a3dd5...cd8
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